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本研究採取行動研究法,旨在探討運用合作學習模式與心智圖法融入國中國語文閱讀理解教學之表現。研究目的有三:其一為分析合作學習模式與心智圖法的相關理論與研究成果,設計出適合國中國語文閱讀理解教學的課程;其二為評估實施合作學習模式輔以心智圖法的教學後,對於學生閱讀理解表現之影響;其三為探究教師在實施合作學習模式與心智圖法融入國中國語文閱讀理解教學的歷程中的省思與專業成長。 研究者以新竹市三民國中八升九年級的學生為研究對象,進行為期一年八個月的閱讀理解教學課程。透過教師課程設計之教案、課堂觀察紀錄、教學省思札記、合作學習模式與心智圖法學生自我評量問卷、閱讀理解能力測驗、學生學習檔案、學生訪談紀錄等資料的蒐集與分析,所獲得的研究結果如下: 一、研究者從理論與實務教學的省思中,設計出適合指導本研究研究對象的閱讀理解教學課程。課程發展原則對應PISA閱讀歷程、實施階段性的教學,並分析學生的閱讀理解表現;課程實施步驟是以循序漸進的方式指導學生認識合作學習模式及心智圖法,再引導學生分工合作繪製心智圖,最後建立學習檔案;而教師在教學歷程中所遭遇的困難,可藉由修正與調整加以克服。 二、研究對象經過合作學習模式輔以心智圖法的閱讀理解教學後,在擷取與檢索、統整與解釋、省思與評鑑的能力上皆有所提升,能合作學習、會運用策略、學習效果較好、專注度增加,從而提高閱讀的意願與興趣。 三、透過此教學行動研究,增進了教師的省思與專業成長。在課程設計上,教師彈性調整教學方法與教學流程;在教學實施上,教師落實合作學習、加強閱讀歷程;而在專業成長上,教師藉由本研究提升了教學知能。 最後,研究者根據研究結論提出建議,供教學者與未來研究參考。
This study adopted the action research method to explore the performance of junior high school students in reading comprehension by using cooperative learning and mind mapping. The subjects were eighth to ninth graders in Sanmin Junior High School in Hsinchu, and they participated in a 20-month reading teaching activity. Data collection included the teacher’s lesson plans, teaching observation records, reflection journals, cooperative learning and mind mapping questionnaire, reading comprehension test scores, student’s portfolios, and interview records. The results were as follows: 1. The researcher reflected on theories and practices of teaching and then designed a suitable teaching model for students in this study. The principles of curriculum development included the following of PISA reading process, the implementation of stage teaching, and the analysis of reading comprehension performance of students. During teaching, the teacher firstly introduced the basic architecture of cooperative learning and mind mapping to the students, then guided them to draw mind maps with peer cooperation, and finally the students could create their portfolios. Problems that the teacher encountered in the course could be overcome after adjustments and modifications. 2. The participants enhanced the ability of “assessing and retrieving”, “integrating and interpreting”, and “reflecting and evaluating” after using cooperative learning and mind mapping to assist learning to read. They could learn with peers, use tactics to read, learn better, increase focus, and improve interest in reading. 3. Through this action research, the teacher enhanced the reflections and obtained professional growth. When designing the course, the teacher should flexibly adjust her teaching method and process. When teaching the students, the teacher should implement cooperative learning. Besides this, the teacher promoted her teaching knowledge by this research. Based on the results, suggestions are proposed as a reference for teaching students how to read and for relevant studies in the future.



合作學習, 心智圖法, 閱讀理解, cooperative learning, mind mapping, reading comprehension





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