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本研究分析澎湖縣中小學2019-2021年跨領域美感教育課程方案的在地運作與實踐智慧,而後檢視其課程方案融入何種顯性與隱性的地方文化知識,進而探討有關地方文化與全球視野橋接融整的可行策略。透過檔案文件分析、教師與專家學者訪談獲得重要資料以回答研究問題。綜整上述資料,本研究主要發現有六項:第一,海洋環境是課程取材優勢,偏鄉人力負荷是課程設計劣勢;第二,生命力強的榕樹精神與百折不撓的天人菊精神是其實踐智慧;第三,提升課程國際視野與嘗試不同藝術領域是有待澎湖面對的挑戰;第四,顯性文化可分為地景物種、名勝古蹟、歷史民俗、傳說故事、俗語歌謠、傳統產業,如玄武岩、乞龜文化、褒歌、牽罟等,隱性文化分為社會思維、道德傳統、價值觀念,如巡視石滬勤奮刻苦的美德、應知澎湖事的在地認同、活化並推廣 地方文化的己任等;第五,課程融入地方文化知識缺乏跨文化教學互動與宗教信仰主題;以及第六,在澎湖地方文化橋接融整全球視野的可行策略包括:從澎湖、臺 灣和全球三層面審視敏覺周遭生活事物,將澎湖在地特色由「點」連成「面」加以發展,以跨領域美感素養切入澎湖在地議題,再思澎湖地方文化的推廣價值與意義,透過網路社群、雙語友善、景點營造增加課程亮點的可親近性,以及組成校內外的計畫整合專業團隊。最後,依研究發現,提供澎湖縣跨領域美感教育課程樣態與未來研究的建議。
This research analyzed the operation and practical wisdom of cross-disciplinary aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools in Penghu County (2019-2021), examined what explicit and implicit local cultural knowledge is incorporated into the curriculum plan and explored the feasible strategy about the bridging between local culture and global vision. Key information is obtained through document analysis and interviews with teachers and experts to answer research questions.There are mainly six findings in this research. First, rural schools have the advantage of natural environment, while the teaching load is heavy. Second, deepening the curriculum and persistent practical wisdom. Third, the challenge to jump out of the visual arts and expand global vision. Fourth, explicit culture can be divided into six categories: landscape species, historical sites, historical folklore, legend stories, sayings and songs, traditional industries, such as basalt, lantern festival turtle culture, praise songs and Taiwanese beach seine. And implicit culture is divided into thinking, moral and values, such as diligent virtue, local identity, responsibility to promote local culture. Fifth, the integration of local culture knowledge lacks Intercultural teaching and religious culture. Sixth, strategies to bridge local culture and global vision, including: to view the things around life through the local, national and global vision; to develop local characteristics widely; to arouse different approaches to the local issue from cross-disciplinary aesthetic literacy; to rethink why local culture is worthy to promote; to increase the accessibility through online communities, bilingual friendly, and creating attractions; and to combine business thinking and local resource. Based on the research findings, some recommendations are provided.
This research analyzed the operation and practical wisdom of cross-disciplinary aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools in Penghu County (2019-2021), examined what explicit and implicit local cultural knowledge is incorporated into the curriculum plan and explored the feasible strategy about the bridging between local culture and global vision. Key information is obtained through document analysis and interviews with teachers and experts to answer research questions.There are mainly six findings in this research. First, rural schools have the advantage of natural environment, while the teaching load is heavy. Second, deepening the curriculum and persistent practical wisdom. Third, the challenge to jump out of the visual arts and expand global vision. Fourth, explicit culture can be divided into six categories: landscape species, historical sites, historical folklore, legend stories, sayings and songs, traditional industries, such as basalt, lantern festival turtle culture, praise songs and Taiwanese beach seine. And implicit culture is divided into thinking, moral and values, such as diligent virtue, local identity, responsibility to promote local culture. Fifth, the integration of local culture knowledge lacks Intercultural teaching and religious culture. Sixth, strategies to bridge local culture and global vision, including: to view the things around life through the local, national and global vision; to develop local characteristics widely; to arouse different approaches to the local issue from cross-disciplinary aesthetic literacy; to rethink why local culture is worthy to promote; to increase the accessibility through online communities, bilingual friendly, and creating attractions; and to combine business thinking and local resource. Based on the research findings, some recommendations are provided.
在地全球化, 地方文化知識, 美感素養, 跨領域美感教育, 跨領域美感課程模組, aesthetic literacy, cross-disciplinary aesthetic education (CDAE), curriculum modules for CDAE, local cultural knowledge, logloblization