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本研究旨在瞭解臺北市運動中心員工知覺內部行銷對留任意願影響之研究,且以工作滿意為中介因子來檢視其影響關係。研究對象為303名臺北市運動中心之正式員工與約聘員工,並以內部行銷、留任意願與工作滿意之量表為研究工具進行資料調查收集,共回收281份有效問卷。根據調查所蒐集之資料,以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關與階層迴歸等統計方式進行資料分析。結果發現: 一、臺北市運動中心員工知覺內部行銷、留任意願與工作滿意均落於具有中等以上之評價,顯示其在人力資源措施仍有加強努力之空間。 二、臺北市運動中心員工內部行銷中「教育訓練」、「管理支持」、「內部溝通」、「激勵」與「參與外部溝通」等五構面與留任意願呈現正相關;工作滿意中「內部滿意」與「外部滿意」等兩構面皆與留任意願顯示正相關;此外,內部行銷等五構面與工作滿意等兩構面亦呈現正相關。 三、工作滿意在內部行銷對留任意願產生部分中介效果。意即臺北市運動中心內部行銷能透過部分影響員工的工作滿意,進而影響員工的留任意願感知。 基於上述結果,運動中心經營者應針對員工需求,施予適當的管理策略,且適時協助與關照,將員工的工作滿意視為重要一環。針對未來研究,建議採用量化研究輔以質性訪談的方式進行探討,以深入探究運動中心的管理策略對於員工留任之影響,以充實相關研究之內涵。
The objective of this study was to investigate Taipei Sports Center staff's perception of the organization's internal marketing efforts, and how their perception affects their intention to stay in their current jobs. Job satisfaction is used as a mediator to study the correlation between these factors. The subjects of this study were 303 permanent and contract staff members of the Taipei Sports Center. Scales were used as research tools to collect data on internal marketing efforts, the staff's intention to stay, and their job satisfaction. A total of 281 valid questionnaires was collected. Statistical analysis tools such as descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression have been used to analyze the data collected. The findings were listed as below: (1) Taipei Sports Center staff's perception of the organization's internal marketing efforts, intention to stay, as well as job satisfaction all scored above the neutral rating, indicating that the human resource policies of the organization still has room for improvement. (2) In the area of internal marketing, the 5 dimensions of educational training, management support, internal communications, motivation, and participation in external communication are positively correlated to Taipei Sports Center staff's intention to stay. In the area of job satisfaction, the 2 dimensions of internal satisfaction and external satisfaction are positively correlated to the staff's intention to stay. In addition, the 5 dimensions of internal marketing and 2 dimensions of job satisfaction are positively correlated to each other. (3) Job satisfaction, as part of internal marketing, is a partial mediating factor when it comes to the staff's intention to stay. In other words, the internal marketing efforts of Taipei Sports Center can focus on improving the staff's job satisfaction in order to elevate their intention to stay. Based on the findings above, the management of Taipei Sports Center should view the job satisfaction of its staff as a key factor in determining appropriate management strategies that focus on the needs of its staff, and also provide assistance and care to its staff in a timely fashion. With regard to future research, quantitative methodologies could be complemented by qualitative research in the form of interviews to derive a deeper understanding of how the management strategies of a sports center could affect its staff's intention to stay. Such investigations would enrich the field of relevant research.



運動中心, 人力資源管理, 工作滿意, 留任意願, Sports Center, Human Resource Management, Job Satisfaction, Intention to Stay





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