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Ming-Yen Lee
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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
越南海岸線長,多沙灘與灣澳,氣溫較臺灣高,是發展水產業的好地方。冷戰期間,南海位於美蘇在東南亞對峙的最前線,兩國各自在菲律賓及越南建立海空基地,越南的漁業受到影響甚鉅,再加上當時國民所得低,漁船和漁真更新缺乏資金,以致漁獲重低。但隨著1986 年開放政策,漁獲量開始增加,但成長緩慢,直到2000 年以後才快速增加,其關鍵是水產養殖漁業的興起。本文以文獻、現場觀察與不同時期衛星影像比對,探討臺商與越南水產業發展的關係。研究發現由於水溫與水質是左右養殖業收獲的關鍵,養殖戶必須瞭解當地的地理環境、市場需求,並擁有專業知識與資金才能順利經營,越南政府為吸引外國資金和技術,在2000年頒布的“越南外國投資法,包括了水產餐殖項目;與此同時,台灣由於經營成本高,很多養殖戶和投資者到越南投資,因此提高了越南的水產養殖生產的數量和質量。
Vietnam with long coastline, having many sandy beaches and gulf, temperature higher than Taiwan, is a good place for development of fisheries. During the Cold War, the South Sea was located at the forefront of the US-Soviet confrontation in Southeast Asia, the two countries to establish military bases at Philippines or Vietnam. Fisheries of Vietnam were been enormously impacted, coupled with low national income, fishing boats and fishing gear updated been limited to lack of funds, resulting low production of catches. Since the open policy in 1986, fish catches had begun increasing but grew slowly, until 2000 rapidly increased, the key was rise of aquaculture. The research used fieldwork and compared with satellite images of different periods, to explore between Taiwan and Vietnam of aquaculture development. The study found that affecting factors of aquaculture harvest were water temperature and water quality, so fish farmers must be aware of local geographical environment, market demand, expertise and capital. In order to attract foreign funds and technology into, Vietnam Government enacted "Vietnam's foreign investment law" in 2000; those include a project for aquaculture. At the same time, Taiwan due to high operating costs, many fish farmers and investors turn to Vietnam investment, and improved Vietnam's aquaculture production quantity and quality.
Vietnam with long coastline, having many sandy beaches and gulf, temperature higher than Taiwan, is a good place for development of fisheries. During the Cold War, the South Sea was located at the forefront of the US-Soviet confrontation in Southeast Asia, the two countries to establish military bases at Philippines or Vietnam. Fisheries of Vietnam were been enormously impacted, coupled with low national income, fishing boats and fishing gear updated been limited to lack of funds, resulting low production of catches. Since the open policy in 1986, fish catches had begun increasing but grew slowly, until 2000 rapidly increased, the key was rise of aquaculture. The research used fieldwork and compared with satellite images of different periods, to explore between Taiwan and Vietnam of aquaculture development. The study found that affecting factors of aquaculture harvest were water temperature and water quality, so fish farmers must be aware of local geographical environment, market demand, expertise and capital. In order to attract foreign funds and technology into, Vietnam Government enacted "Vietnam's foreign investment law" in 2000; those include a project for aquaculture. At the same time, Taiwan due to high operating costs, many fish farmers and investors turn to Vietnam investment, and improved Vietnam's aquaculture production quantity and quality.