
dc.description.abstract從《天聖令‧營繕令》看唐代國家公共工程建設 中文摘要: 《天聖‧營繕令》是中國歷史上第一部以《營繕令》爲篇名的有關國家公 共工程建設的令文,唐代第一次在律令制度中建立起國家對公共工程建設的實施 規範,將營繕機構、職責、運營方式、責任分配納入法令體系,對後世立法產生 深遠影響。從令文內容看,《天聖‧營繕令》大致分成營造類和修繕類兩大類。 前者包括城郭、宮廟、王公至士庶宅舍等營造規格制度,後者包括橋樑道路、軍 器儀仗、舟船堤堰、公廨等營修及管理。本計畫擬以《天聖‧營繕令》為中心, 探討唐代國家公共工程建設的實施規範,包括宮殿城郭與橋樑道路的營造工程與 修繕管理。此外,因唐宋制度變化而不再行用的唐令4 條,是研究唐代都城、土 木工程及軍仗器物等營造修繕的珍貴資料,本計畫並將檢討該4 條令文的意義以 及它們至宋代不行用的原因。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFrom “Tiansheng Ying-Shan Lin” to Investigate the National Public Constructions in Tang Dynasty Abstract “Tiansheng Ying-Shan Lin” is the first code named "Order of Construction" which is the law concerned of public constructions in Chinese history. It is the first time to establish a national system on the legislation rules in Tang Dynasty. It includes the constructed departments, duties, operated modes, allocation of responsibilities into the law system, which has a far-reaching impact for descendants. From the contents of the code, “Tiansheng Ying-Shan Lin” probably divided for two parts: one is construction, the other is repair. The former includes the construction standard system for castles, temples, houses of nobles and civilians. The later includes the repair and management for bridges and roads, military devices, ships and dikes and so on. The project I try to use “Tiansheng Ying-Shan Lin ”as a center material to research the implementation of the specification about the public constructions in Tang Dynasty. I also try to discuss the palace city walls and bridges and roads to the construction works of the casting and repair management. For the change of national systems, there are four codes no longer used in Tang and Song dynasties. These four codes are valuable information to research the creation and repairing of the cities, civil engineering, and military weapons in Tang Dynasty. Therefore, this project will also review the reasons that why Song Dynasty was not use these four codes.en_US
dc.relation(國科會專題研究計畫, NSC99-2410-H003-029-MY2)。zh_TW
dc.titleFrom “Tiansheng Ying-Shan Lin” to Investigate the National Public Constructions in Tang Dynastyen_US

