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本研究計畫「台灣政治消費文化– 二次政黨輪替之後」(Political Consumerism in Taiwan – After the Second Party Rotation)為兩年期計畫,希望在既有國族認同和民主政治相關文獻的研究成果之上,發展政治消費觀點,並將研究焦點鎖定在2012年總統大選,透過田野採集,探討政治消費文化做為當代台灣社會特有之政治文化,如何在二次政黨輪替之後,形構台灣公民之特殊民主參與形式和認同建構工程。 「台灣政治消費文化」是一個台灣特有的政治文化現象,同時也是一個發展中之研究國族建構和民主化的另類觀點:1)作為一個文化現象,台灣的政治消費文化乃是政治邏輯和商品化邏輯相互交疊於文化實踐領域中的台灣特殊政治文化。運用商品消費邏輯的操作方式,政治人物鼓動自己的支持者(或是「迷」)消費自己的政治商品(包括廣告、音樂、及其他具型的商品),而政治迷或政黨支持者則藉由對於政治商品的消費,創造他們的政治認同與文化品味,同時參與民主。2)作為一個發展中之研究國族建構和民主化的另類觀點,「政治消費」觀點將台灣(國族)認同建構過程放置在台灣極速發展的民主化過程中所共時發生的消費社會的無限擴張脈絡之上,並援引了Antonio Gramsci(1971)和Pierre Bourdieu (1977, 1984,1990)觀點的交會處做基底,和Margaret Somers (1994, 1995)、Ruth Wodak等人(1999)及John Story (1999)的方法做框架,將關注焦點放在政治人物(文宣幕僚)與政治迷的文化實踐場域,用以捕捉台灣認同和民主化是如何在政治人物(文宣幕僚)、政治商品與政治迷之間的文化生成過程中形成。 「台灣政治消費文化– 二次政黨輪替之後」乃立基於以下幾個基本立場:1) 進行對於台灣「政治消費」文化的命名及描繪,提供一個思考台灣(國族)認同的另類觀點,和分析台灣民主化的另一種視角;2)反思主流國族主義研究和民主政治研究;3)反省首次政黨輪替和二次政黨輪替過程中,政治消費文化所扮演的角色;4)思考政治消費文化應用於老民主國家和新興民主國家催化民主參與和國族認同建構的可能性。
Rotation’, explores ‘political consumerism’ as an actually existing phenomenon and as a new perspective on nationalism, especially after the second party rotation. Its empirical focus is the 2012 presidential election, when a more developed form of political consumerism will serve to formulate resistance, mobilize votes, gain power and most importantly, re-construct Taiwanese nationalism. The project, which is based on the author’s PhD thesis ‘Political Consumerism in Contemporary Taiwan – Customizing a Nation’, seeks to re-explore this phenomenon and perspective, as an important feature of contemporary consumer societies. The research will draw on the author’s inside position as a former party staff member and a party supporter, actively involved in producing as well as consuming political commodities that had become part of popular culture, but subjects this experience to rigorous social scientific evaluation and contextualization. The research will focus on how the emerging Taiwanese identities were expressed and institutionalized by the political party’s appropriation of elements from Taiwanese culture to create Taiwanese nationalism. This enabled the party to mobilize voters through campaigns based, in significant part, on political consumerism. This is shown through ethnographic analysis of the field of staff members and their practices in producing political commodities for popular consumption – which fuses the political (building counter-hegemony) and the commercial (selling lifestyles). This analysis is complemented by a study of the party supporters’ community and the ways in which they consume these commodities. This shows how, through political staff members’ production and supporters’ consumption of political commodities, politics can be produced and consumed in the form of popular culture. This has enabled the de- and re-construction of nationalist hegemony and a transformation of the meaning of democracy. The analysis will try to challenge the orthodoxy and methodologies of traditional studies on nationalism and aims to capture better the dynamics of the identity-shifting process. It will hopefully highlight the banality of people’s everyday practices, take into account the context of both researcher and researched, and explore the idea-practice nexus between intellectuals and the masses.
Rotation’, explores ‘political consumerism’ as an actually existing phenomenon and as a new perspective on nationalism, especially after the second party rotation. Its empirical focus is the 2012 presidential election, when a more developed form of political consumerism will serve to formulate resistance, mobilize votes, gain power and most importantly, re-construct Taiwanese nationalism. The project, which is based on the author’s PhD thesis ‘Political Consumerism in Contemporary Taiwan – Customizing a Nation’, seeks to re-explore this phenomenon and perspective, as an important feature of contemporary consumer societies. The research will draw on the author’s inside position as a former party staff member and a party supporter, actively involved in producing as well as consuming political commodities that had become part of popular culture, but subjects this experience to rigorous social scientific evaluation and contextualization. The research will focus on how the emerging Taiwanese identities were expressed and institutionalized by the political party’s appropriation of elements from Taiwanese culture to create Taiwanese nationalism. This enabled the party to mobilize voters through campaigns based, in significant part, on political consumerism. This is shown through ethnographic analysis of the field of staff members and their practices in producing political commodities for popular consumption – which fuses the political (building counter-hegemony) and the commercial (selling lifestyles). This analysis is complemented by a study of the party supporters’ community and the ways in which they consume these commodities. This shows how, through political staff members’ production and supporters’ consumption of political commodities, politics can be produced and consumed in the form of popular culture. This has enabled the de- and re-construction of nationalist hegemony and a transformation of the meaning of democracy. The analysis will try to challenge the orthodoxy and methodologies of traditional studies on nationalism and aims to capture better the dynamics of the identity-shifting process. It will hopefully highlight the banality of people’s everyday practices, take into account the context of both researcher and researched, and explore the idea-practice nexus between intellectuals and the masses.