體驗行銷、品牌形象與運動涉入對女性消費者購買運動產品意願之研究—以Nike Women為例

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隨著體驗經濟時代的來臨,重視消費者之體驗感受已成為同質性產品層出不窮的運動產業市場中,企業爭取競爭優勢最關鍵的要素之一,因此,瞭解目標市場之特性並策劃合宜之行銷方式,乃是企業運作與行銷管理人員之重要議題。鑑於體驗行銷之模式符合女性消費市場之特性,品牌形象並有助於提昇其購買意願,且運動涉入概念可作為探討運動產業中,連結消費者行為意向之關係,因此,本研究合併體驗行銷、品牌形象與運動涉入之概念,旨從消費者觀點探討其三個變項對女性消費者購買Nike Women運動產品意願之影響程度與相關性。依據研究目的,本研究以曾至Nike Women消費之女性消費者為研究對象,採用網路問卷調查法蒐集樣本問卷,並使用描述性統計、t檢定、單變量變異數分析以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析探討。研究結果:(一)Nike Women女性消費者為年輕、單身之學生族群居多,其不同人口統計變項在體驗行銷、品牌形象、運動涉入上呈現不同的顯著差異。(二)體驗行銷、品牌形象與運動涉入,皆與女性消費者購買Nike Women運動產品之購買意願達顯著相關性。(三)品牌形象、體驗行銷與運動涉入,皆為建構購買意願迴歸模式之有效變數,共有效預測51.2%之變異量,由其結果亦顯示,品牌形象為女性消費者購買意願之最佳預測指標。於此得知,Nike Women在設立不同市場族群時,應考量其特殊性以選擇最佳行銷策略,而企業組織本身優良的品牌形象,更是消費者重視之處,建議未來研究者從事女性消費者相關研究,可增加不同自變項,除更瞭解該族群之消費特性外,以促進該族群於運動產業相關研究之完整性。
With the arriving era of experiential economy, one of the most important strengths in business competition is to value the consumers’ experiences through their purchasing behaviors, especially inside the sport industry market where full of homogenous products. Therefore, fully understanding the characteristic of target consumers and making the proper marketing plans are the essential issues for business organizations as well as marketing teams. Since the concepts of experiential marketing, brand image and sport involvement can all fit into the characteristics of female consumers and also improve the understanding of consumers’ purchase intention, thus the aim of this research was to make a study of female consumers’ purchase intention of Nike Women product under those three main ideas: experiential marketing, brand image, and sport involvement. According to research objectives, this research targeted on female consumers who ever shopped at Nike Women as the research subjects and adopted internet questionnaire to collect test samples. By using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression to analyze sample’s data, the obtained results were showed as below: 1. Most of Nike Women’s consumers were young and single students, and the variables of demographic had significant differences on experiential marketing, brand image and sport involvement. 2. For those female consumers, the experiential marketing, brand image and sport involvement were significantly related to purchase intention. 3. Experiential marketing, brand image and sport involvement were the effective variables to predict purchase intention, and brand image was the most effective variable to predict female consumers’ purchase intention. As a result, Nike Women should develop the best and proper marketing strategies based on the specific characteristics of different target markets. Moreover, consumers have high value upon the brand image of the business organization. In conclusion, future researcher could add more different variables to examine female consumers’ behavior, which would not only comprehend the consumers’ characteristic but also improve completeness of female research in related sport marketing field.



體驗行銷, 品牌形象, 運動涉入, 女性消費者, 購買意願, experiential marketing, brand image, sport involvement, female consumer, purchase intention





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