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本論文以馬來西亞和新加坡華人女作家、她們的小説和小說中的女性形象作爲研究對象,分析探討其中塑造的女性形象類型並進行分類,從中探析小說文本世界中所呈現出的女性意識、文化視野與社會觀。 馬華文學和新華文學的發展脈絡源自於1919年的五四運動,在將近一世紀裡,華人在新馬辛勤筆耕,尤其對本土的文化發展、身份認同、國族議題特別關心。特別是在馬華文壇中,男作家可謂文壇的主力,不管是人數或作品數量基本上都遠遠超過女性作家與作品,女作家始終處於邊緣的地位。處在書寫邊緣的女作家雖多順應大環境的寫作主題進行創作,但卻也仍有投身於比較不為主流所關注的女性議題進行小說的創作。至於新華文學女作家是在二十世紀七、八〇年代崛起的。從整體的新華文學來看,新華女作家不論是參與人數或作品數量與男作家旗鼓相當,甚至在某些方面還佔了一定的優勢。然而這時期的新華女作家也較少有意識地對女性相關議題進行書寫。馬來西亞和新加坡雖是一衣帶水的兩個國家,然而由於歷史與發展的因素使兩地的女性文學同中存異,兩地華人女作家的女性小說的是華人文學中值得進一步進行研究的一環。 女性作家帶著女性視角書寫的文學作品往往帶著女性特質,對女性自身的內省與批判更為尖銳而貼近女性本身。因此本論文擬以四位新馬華女作家,即新華文學的尤今和張曦娜以及馬華文學的商晚筠和賀淑芳,以及她們的小說作為研究對象。首先通過資料的收集、整理,以及文本的解讀分析,論述並概括出作為新馬華文文學女性作家代表的她們,在多元文化民族國家的文化語境中塑造了怎樣的女性形象,接著從女性文學批評、女性主義理論及文化批評等角度對她們小說中所呈現出的女性意識、文化視野與社會觀進行初步的爬梳與探討。旨在從不同的角度對新馬兩地的女性書寫進行深一層的理論研究,希望將之引至一個新的視域。
In this study, Malaysia and Singapore Chinese female writers and the female figures in their novel are the main research targets. In order to figure out the feminist consciousness, cultural viewpoint, and social perspective that appeared in those texts, this study analyzed and sorts out the female figures in the novels. Both Mahua Literature and Xinhua Literature began to emerge along with the May 4th Movement in 1919. Malaysia and Singapore Chinese writers had been striving to their writing career for almost a century, especially working on the theme of localization, self-identification, and national identification. The male writers played an important role in Mahua Literature, nevertheless, the female writers had marginalized due to the majority of male writers with higher number of authors and the quantity of literary output. Apart from the mainstream theme, Mahua female writers were also concentrate about the issue of female that always being overlooked. On the other hand, the rise of female writers of Xinhua Literature in 1980s was totally different from Mahua Literature. The female writers in Singapore even exceeded the male writers under some circumstances. Due to the diverse history and development between Malaysia and Singapore, feminine Literature of Mahua and Xinhua were not exactly different. Therefore, both Mahua Literature and Xinhua Literature are an important part among overseas Chinese literature. The writing perspectives of female writers is different from male writers as well. Most of time, female writers are able to illustrate accurately from female perspectives, moreover, they present feminist ideas beyond all doubt. There were four Chinese female writers who devoted to Mahua Literature and Xinhua Literature were chosen to be the research target, consisted of You Jin, Zhang Xi Na from Singapore, Shang Wan Yun, He Shu Fang from Malaysia. Overall, this study provided the analysis of female figures that appeared in the novels of four main female writers through different perspectives, and contributed the findings to testify the new discovery as well.



馬華文學, 新華文學, 女性書寫, 小說, 女性形象, Mahua Literature, Xinhua Literature, Feminine literature, Novels, Female Figures





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