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此三年本土營養流行病學計畫的研究目的為探討孕產婦及其子女之飲食營養攝取及相關因素對生長發育及健康狀態之關係。研究包括兩種研究設計(長期追蹤世代研究及橫斷型比較研究)及四種方法學研發(1.昇糖指數及昇糖負荷於飲食頻率問卷及飲食回憶/紀錄之運算;2. 研發母乳量化評估之方法學;3.發展幼兒與家庭飲食評估方法學;4.持續改進食品成分相關資料庫)。長期追蹤世代之研究對象為本研究室近六年來於婦幼醫院及台大醫院所招募之不同出生體重之嬰幼兒家庭,長期追蹤並收集孕產婦及其子女之飲食營養、生長發育及健康狀態之資料;第一組世代(n=181)至今收集完成5歲資料,而第二組世代(n=150)將於正收集3歲資料。由於專任研究助理才到任,橫斷型比較研究將於暑期開始。方法學研發已完成昇糖指數及昇糖負荷於兩種問卷之運算。母乳成分分析已送樣本到食工所,秤重量化研究已收集15位餵哺母乳6-12月大嬰兒之資料。食品成分資料庫正由兩名研究生檢討葉酸、膽鹼、維生素A及維生E各種生物活性轉換係數。此報告大部分內容為民國98年五月於台灣營養學會年會中壁報發表針對0-2歲兩組世代合併分析不同出生體重之營養攝取狀況與生長發展之相關資料,並探討各相關因素間之關係。
The purpose of this three-year local nutritional epidemiological study is to examine diet and nutrition status for women and their children to understand the interrelationships between nutrition-related factors with growth and health status. This proposal consists of two major study designs (longitudinal follow-up cohort study and cross-sectional comparison study) and four methodology studies (1. calculation for glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) by food recalls/records and food frequency questions; 2. development of quantitative measures for breast feeding; 3. development of dietary assessment tools for young children and their families; 4. improvement for food composition and related databases). In the past six years, we have followed and collected diet and nutrition information from two small cohorts recruited from the Taipei Women and Children’s Hospital and National Taiwan University Hospital. Currently, we have finished collecting data from 5 years old for the first cohort (n=181) and continued to collect data from 3 years old for the second cohort (n=150). Since our full time research assistant arrived just arrived in June, the cross-sectional study will recruit pregnant women in the summer. Currently, we finished the calculation system for GI and GL by two methods. In addition, we delivered the breast milk sample to Food Industry Research and Development Institute and collect test weighing data from 15 breast feeding infants from 6-12 month old. Two graduate students are examining the food composition data for folate, choline, and the conversion factors for various forms of vitamin A and vitamin E. In this report, most contents were derived from the poster in the annual conference for Taiwan Nutrition Society in May 2009, consisting of combined data from two cohorts and examine the interrelationships for growth and nutrition status by high, medium and low birth weight groups.
The purpose of this three-year local nutritional epidemiological study is to examine diet and nutrition status for women and their children to understand the interrelationships between nutrition-related factors with growth and health status. This proposal consists of two major study designs (longitudinal follow-up cohort study and cross-sectional comparison study) and four methodology studies (1. calculation for glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) by food recalls/records and food frequency questions; 2. development of quantitative measures for breast feeding; 3. development of dietary assessment tools for young children and their families; 4. improvement for food composition and related databases). In the past six years, we have followed and collected diet and nutrition information from two small cohorts recruited from the Taipei Women and Children’s Hospital and National Taiwan University Hospital. Currently, we have finished collecting data from 5 years old for the first cohort (n=181) and continued to collect data from 3 years old for the second cohort (n=150). Since our full time research assistant arrived just arrived in June, the cross-sectional study will recruit pregnant women in the summer. Currently, we finished the calculation system for GI and GL by two methods. In addition, we delivered the breast milk sample to Food Industry Research and Development Institute and collect test weighing data from 15 breast feeding infants from 6-12 month old. Two graduate students are examining the food composition data for folate, choline, and the conversion factors for various forms of vitamin A and vitamin E. In this report, most contents were derived from the poster in the annual conference for Taiwan Nutrition Society in May 2009, consisting of combined data from two cohorts and examine the interrelationships for growth and nutrition status by high, medium and low birth weight groups.