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本研究旨在評估「校園戒菸教育種籽教師培訓計畫」之成效,並依據Kirkpatrick「層級評估模式」四層次進行培訓成效之評估。 研究設計採前實驗設計,研究對象為參加行政院衛生署委託臺北醫學大學辦理「2011年校園戒菸教育種籽教師訓練計畫」之國高中教師共120名。計畫內容包括舉辦教師培訓課程、後續進行追蹤輔導、期末成果觀摩會等。計畫於2011年3月中旬分別於北、中、南區各辦理兩天期初課程培訓,內容主要以衛生福利部發行之「青少年戒菸教材─元氣青春叢書」為主,10月下旬舉辦期末成果觀摩會,課程內容包括菸害課程與推動戒菸教育工作經驗分享,以培訓具有協助其他戒菸教育種籽教師的能力。資料收集透過結構式前後測問卷、期中訪談題綱、輔導訪談紀錄單、戒菸教育種籽教師期末成果報告書等方式取得。 本研究結果以Kirkpatrick「層級評估模式」四層次分別說明。 (一)反應層次:種籽教師對培訓課程內容、講師、教學方式及教材等評價,平均得分為3.28~3.62分,無論是期初研習或期末成果觀摩會,教師對培訓各方面的滿意度皆達到九成以上。培訓課程內容、講師、教學方式及教材等評價,平均得分為3.28~3.62分,無論是期初研習或期末成果觀摩會,教師對培訓各方面的滿意度皆達到九成以上。 (二)學習層次:培訓皆能提升種籽教師菸害認知、戒菸教育專業知能、辦理學生戒菸教育態度、辦理戒菸教育自我效能。 (三)行為層次:教師在培訓後辦理戒菸教育情形方面,2011年底止,由完成前後測的120人中,培訓後總計收回成果報告書100份,繳回比率為83.3%,八成以上教師皆能返校辦理戒菸教育。 (四)結果層次:種籽教師培訓後學生戒菸行為改變情形,包括呼氣一 氧化碳(CO)值、尼古丁依賴指數(FTQ)、每日吸菸量、戒菸改變階段等,皆能朝向戒菸方向改變。 本研究以Kirkpatrick「層級評估模式」進行學校戒菸教育種籽教師培訓後,建議未來可由多層次評價指標中,找出有效的核心指標,以提高師資培訓與學校戒菸教育之成效。
Abstract The main purpose of this study was the evaluation of the Kirkpatrick's four levels model on adolescent cessation education among seed teachers. A pre-experimental design was employed in the study. The subjects consisted of 120 junior and senior high school teachers attending the program for adolesent smoking cessation education held by Taipei Medical University in 2011. Contents of the program included training for teachers, following and assisting afterwards, and a final outcome demonstration. There were two-day training courses held in the northern, central, and southern areas in Taiwan respectively in the middle of March, 2011, and the teaching contents were mainly the handbook of Adolescent Smoking Cessation released by Ministry of Health and Welfare. The final outcome demonstration took place at the end of October, including lessons about harmful impacts of smoking and sharing the experience in promoting smoking cessation education in order to cultivate the ability to assist other smoking cessation education seed teachers. The data was collected by using structurally questionnaires beforehand and afterwards, mid-term interview summary, interview records, and the Smoking Cessation Education Seed Teachers Term-end Reports. The result of this study was illustrated by Kirkpatrick's four-level model respectively. 1. Reaction level: Training lessons' contents, lecturers, ways of teaching and teaching materials was scored from 3.28 to 3.62 by seed teachers' responds. Teachers expressed high level of satisfaction for the program in each aspect, with 90 percent or more of the teachers. 2. Learning level: The training could elevate seed teachers' cognition, expertise in smoking cessation education, attitude toward smoking cessation education for students, and self-efficiency of promoting smoking cessation education. 3. Behavior level: At the end of 2011, 100 final reports from 120 seed teachers attending the program, were hand in which accounts for 83.3% in total, indicating that more than 80 percent of the teachers could promote smoking cessation education in their schools. 4. Results level: After seed teachers promoting smoking cessation education, the evaluations were collected to measure the changes among the smoking students. The indicators included the data of CO, FTO, daily tobacco consumption, the stage of change for smoking cessation. These indicators have encountered positive changes towards quitting. The research proposes advice in all aspects after conducting training pograms for smoking cessation education seed teachers by Kirkpatrick's four-level model. In the future, we can figure out effective core indicator in multilevel judging indicator to elevate effects of teacher training and smoking cessation education at school.



青少年, 戒菸教育, 教師培訓, 評價, Kirkpatrick層級評估模式, adolescent, cessation education, teacher training, evaluation, Kirkpatrick's four levels model





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