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本研究旨在瞭解宜蘭地區國中教師休閒運動參與行為及阻礙因素,而根據研究結果的發現,提出對宜蘭地區國中教師參與休閒運動之建議,並提供學校及教育主管機關規劃教師休閒運動之參考。本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以自編「宜蘭地區國中教師休閒運動行為及阻礙因素調查問卷」做為研究工具,並以宜蘭地區國中教師為研究對象,合計取得有效樣本379份(有效回收率86.14%)。所得資料以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析來加以處理分析。 調查結果顯示: 一、 宜蘭地區國中教師在休閒運動參與行為上,每週參與頻率三次(含)以上者僅佔25.3%,活動時間主要以31~60分鐘者最多,教師最常參與的運動類型為戶外運動,而最受教師喜愛的運動項目為散步、騎自行車及羽球。 二、 宜蘭地區國中教師在休閒運動阻礙因素的阻礙構面上,以個人阻礙為最高;而在各阻礙因素上,則以個人興趣、身體健康狀況及體力負荷的影響較高。 三、 不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、任教領域、個人每月所得及學校規模之宜蘭地區國中教師在休閒運動參與行為上有顯著差異;但在不同現任職務上則沒有顯著差異。 四、 不同婚姻狀況、任教領域及學校規模之宜蘭地區國中教師在休閒運動阻礙因素上有顯著差異;但在不同性別、年齡、現任職務及個人每月所得上則沒有顯著差異。
This research aims to find out the present participation and constraint factors of recreational sports of the teachers in Yilan county, and make suggestions based on the results for teachers’ participation in recreational sports and for the educational authorities’ organization of recreational sports activities. The study applies the method of ―purpose sampling,‖ and 379 effective samples are collected from 440 copies of ―The Questionnaire Of Recreational Sports Participation and Constraint Factors of Teachers in Junior High School in Yilan County‖ designed by the researcher. The result data is analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square and anova, and the major findings are presented as follows: 1. In participation in recreational sports, just 25.3% of the respondents reach more than three times a week, and most of them take 31 minutes to 60 minutes each time. The recreational sports that the teachers engaged themselves in most is ―out-door activities,‖ and their favorite ones are ―walking, biking and badminton‖. 2. Among constraint factors of recreational sports of the teachers in Yilan County, the individual factor is the key discouragement that inhibits the teachers from recreational sports, among which interest, health, and physical strength influence the most. 3. Teachers with different genders, ages, marriage statuses, major subjects, monthly income, and school scales make significant difference to their participation in recreational sports, but those who with different positions show no difference. 4. Teachers with different marriage statuses, major subjects, and school scales make significant difference to the constraint factors they have in their participation in recreational sports, but those who with different genders, ages, positions and monthly income show no difference. Key Word: junior high school teacher, participation in recreational sports, constraint factors of recreational sports.



國中教師, 休閒運動參與, 休閒運動阻礙, junior high school teacher, participation in recreational sports, constraint factors of recreational sports





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