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近幾年,台灣在努力推動海洋教育的情況之下,社會開始關注海洋的相關議題。台灣2001年首次公佈「海洋白皮書」,教育部亦於2007年公佈「海洋教育政策白皮書」,並於2008年公布國民中小學海洋教育課程綱要。台灣的海洋教育著重在中小學教育的執行,期望透過有系統的正規教育將海洋教育向下紮根。因此,為了提升國民科學知識水準與精神生活層次,海洋科技博物館便在引頸期盼的情況下於2014年正式開館。 本研究期望能夠採用美國海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA, 2005)提出的「海洋素養(ocean literacy)」結合北美環境教育學會(NAAEE,2011)提出的「環境素養(environmental literacy)」的概念探討遊客自導式參觀國立海洋科技博物館主題館的海洋環境教育內涵。本研究的研究目的在於了解國立海洋科技博物館(以下簡稱海科館)主題館現行海洋環境教育的內涵,並且探討未來改善之方針,以期建構未來更完整、更符合國際趨勢之海洋環境教育。研究結論如下: 一、 導覽解說有助於提升自導式參觀遊客之海洋環境知識及海洋環境意向,一般有經過導覽解說的遊客對於主題館的印象也較好。 二、 海洋環境知識、海洋環境意向、綜合能力以及負責任的環境行為之間有相互影響之正向關係。 三、 海洋環境廳為此調查中參觀狀況及滿意狀況最高之展廳,參觀海洋環境廳亦有助於海洋環境知識得分的提升。 四、 未來可再加強主題館內海洋科學、科技與環境教育之間的連結,加強以「永續海洋」為目標之海洋探索與海洋科技。 五、 主題館內一些展項設計在與環境教育議題的結合上,仍有一些不足及改善空間,因此非常仰賴解說人員激發遊客「永續海洋」之概念,以彌補展項設計的不足與限制。 六、 海洋科學的趣味、海洋永續科技之概念,在某程度上仰賴館內導覽解說人員體現其海洋環境教育之內涵。 七、 海科館之海洋教育目標乃以「永續海洋」為最終目標,博物館結合科學、環境與海洋之教育亦是博物館發展特色與優勢。 八、 為了提升自導式參觀遊客的學習成效,海科館加強解說導覽人員的解說能力及人員數量。 九、 發展更多元之針對自導式參觀遊客可選擇之課程及活動。 十、 積極建立與外部夥伴連結之系統,進行成果交流及資源共享,共同推廣海洋環境教育之推展。
In recent years, under the efforts of marine education, our society pays more attention on marine issues. Taiwan first enacted Maritime Policy in 2001, then Maritime Education Policy in 2007 and announced marine education outline in 2008. Moreover, marine education in Taiwan pays more attention on primary and secondary schools, which puts effort on formal education system. Therefore, National Museum of Marine Science& Technology(NMMST) operates from 2014 for increasing science literacy and values of people. In this study, we explore the content about marine environmental education of self-guided tourists in NMMST, through the ocean literacy framework by NOAA(2005) and environmental literacy framework by NAAEE(2011). The goal of this study is to understand the content about marine environmental education of NMMST halls, and also its improvement strategy. The results are as follows: (a) Guided tours improves the results of Marine Knowledge and Marine Dispositions, it makes positive impression after guiding. (b) There are positive relation between Marine Knowledge, Marine Dispositions, Competencies and Responsible environmental Behavior. (c) Marine Environment Hall becames the hall where the most tourists visited and satisfied. Besides, it helps improve the score of Marine Knowledge of this research by visiting Marine Environment Hall. (d) Strengthen the link between marine science& technology and environmental education in NMMST halls, set ‘Sustainable Ocean’ as the goal of ocean exploration and marine science & technology. (e) There are some exhibition design which is lack of the concept of sustainable development in NMMST halls, therefore it rely on the interpreter to reconnect the link of exhibition with the concept of sustainable development. (f) The increasing of interest in marine science and technology and concept of sustainable development of self-guided tourists are relied on interpreters. (g) ‘Marine Sustainable’ is the goal of marine environmental education of NMMST, and assimilating science, marine and environmental education, has became its point and features. (h) In order to promoting the learning effect of self-guided tourists, NMMST has increase the quality and quantity of interpretation and interpreters. (i) Devoloping multivariate courses and activeties for self-guided tourists. (j) Devoloping communicating system with external resourses, which experiences exchange and resourses exchange helps to improve the achievement of marine environmental education.



海洋教育, 海洋環境教育, 海洋素養, 環境素養, 海科館, marine education, marine environmental education, ocean literacy, environmental literacy, National Museum of Marine Science& Technology





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