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人類嬰兒出生後的前三年,是成長最快速的階段,早期生活經驗對於形塑大腦之執行功能有關鍵性的影響。另,文獻指出學齡前階段執行功能的發展攸關幼兒就學準備以及後續的身心發展。母親是孕育孩子的重要搖籃與引領幼兒進入生活世界的重要推手,而母親憂鬱情緒影響其親職敏感度、對幼兒照護的可及性,讓佳美親子舞步變了調。本研究旨在探究母親產後憂鬱情緒軌跡與三歲幼兒執行功能發展的關連,並以家庭內的社會支持(配偶撫育支持、家務支持人力)為控制變項,進行分析。研究對象為臺灣幼兒發展調查資料庫 (Kids in Taiwan, KIT) 三月齡組的幼兒及其家庭,資料以3、6、12、18、24、36月六波為依據進行次級資料分析,為確保填答者的一致性,本研究僅採用由媽媽本人回答的資料。資料分析以SPSS 23.0版進行描述性統計,並以結構方程模型(SEM)進行母親憂鬱情緒之潛在成長模型分析。本研究得到以下結果: 一、母親產後前三年之憂鬱情緒隨著幼兒年齡增加呈現先下降而後上升的趨勢。二、母親產後3、6、12、18、24、36月憂鬱情緒軌跡在個體間具有異質性,透過潛在成長類別分析(LCGA),將產後憂鬱情緒母親分成三類別:低起點先降緩升組、中起點先降緩升組以及高起點先升緩降組。其中以低起點先降緩升組所佔百分比最多(54%, N=2951),中起點先降緩升組次之(36.%, N=1955),而後是高起點先升緩降組(10%, N=552)。三、整體母親產後憂鬱情緒以及分組的三類別憂鬱情緒組母親,對於三歲幼兒執行功能發展皆有顯著負向關連。四、家庭內社會支持:以配偶撫育支持和家務人力支持當控制變項,對於母親產後憂鬱情緒與三歲幼兒執行功能發展有影響。其負向影響係數從低度支持為最顯著,中度支持次之,高度支持影響最小。特別是高配偶撫育支持在母親憂鬱情緒與幼兒執行功能發展的負向關連未達顯著,表示當母親認同配偶在教養上是好夥伴的程度越高,對於三歲幼兒執行功能的發展越有益處。根據以上結果,本研究支持之前文獻所提,母親產後前三年憂鬱情緒軌跡與幼兒執行功能發展有相關,以及養育幼兒增加母親憂鬱情緒之主張。建議在追蹤幼兒發展的同時也須同步關注母親產後憂鬱情緒的持續性。另,主張高配偶撫育支持,有助於三歲幼兒執行功能的發展。本研究優勢在於研究樣本為臺灣當地幼兒家庭的人口取樣,樣本量大(N=5458)且具有代表性。此外,本論文也是首次以本土資料探究母親產後憂鬱情緒與幼兒執行功能發展關連之研究。本論文的研究限制在於母親憂鬱情緒、幼兒執行功能、配偶撫育支持以及家務支持人力等資料皆由母親本人填答,雖有一致性,但可能較為主觀。另,母親憂鬱情緒、配偶撫育支持以及家務支持人力僅為一題,是資料庫本身的限制,較難進一步分析相關影響因子。本研究結果可供公共衛生、幼兒教育、以及早期療育團隊作為母親憂鬱情緒與兒童發展上的實務性參考。未來研究建議繼續探討母親憂鬱情緒對於幼兒其他面向,如動作、社會情緒發展的相關性,可以更全面地了解母親憂鬱情緒與幼兒發展之間的關係。此外,亦可採用多種研究方法和資料來源,提供更多元的資料分析,減少母親填答的主觀性,和提高研究的信度與效度。關鍵詞: 幼兒,幼兒發展調查資料庫,產後憂鬱情緒軌跡,執行功能、社會支持
The first three years after a child's birth are the period of most rapid growth, and early life experiences have a crucial impact on shaping the development of executive functions in the brain. Additionally, research indicates that the development of executive functions during the preschool stage is closely related to a child's readiness for schooling and subsequent psychosocial development. The mother plays a vital role as the cradle and primary guide for the child, facilitating his or her entry into the world. However, maternaldepressive emotions can affect her sensitivity in parenting and the accessibility of caregiving, disrupting the harmonious parent-child interactions.This study aimed to explore the association between maternal postpartum depressive trajectories and the development of executive functions in three-year-old children. It also examined the influence of social support within the family (spousal caregiving support and household support) as control variables. The research subjects consisted of mothers and their three-month-old children from the Kids in Taiwan (KIT) database. Data from six waves of assessments at 3、6、12、18、24, and 36 months were used for secondary data analysis. To ensure consistency, the study only employed data answered by mothers themselves.Data analysis involved descriptive statistics using SPSS 23.0 and a structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the latent growth model of maternal depressive emotions. The study yielded the following results: Firstly, maternal postpartum depressive emotions showed a trend of initial decline followed by an increase as the child's age increased. Secondly, maternal postpartum depressive trajectories at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months exhibited heterogeneity among individuals. Using latent class growth analysis (LCGA), mothers were categorized into three groups based on their trajectories: a low-start decreasing and then increasing group, a medium-start decreasing and then increasing group, and a high-start increasing and then slowly decreasing group. The majority of mothers belonged to the low-start decreasing and thenincreasing group (54%, N=2951), followed by the medium-start decreasing and then increasing group (36%, N=1955), with the high-start increasing and then slowly decreasing group being the smallest (10%, N=552). Thirdly, both the overall maternal depressive emotions and the three trajectory-based groups had a significant negative impact on the development of executive functions in three-year-old children. Fourthly, family social support, including spousal caregiving support and household support, had an influence on maternal postpartum depressive emotions and the development of executive functions in three-year-old children. The negative impact coefficients were most significant for low levels of support, followed by moderate levels, and high levels had the least impact. Only high spousal caregiving support did not reach significance regarding both maternal depressive emotions and the development of executive functions in children, suggesting that a higher degree of maternal recognition of spousal support in co-parenting is most beneficial for the development of executive functions in three-year-olds.Based on the above results, this research supports the association between maternal postpartum depressive trajectories in the first three years and the development of executive functions in children. It also advocates for increased attention to the ongoing nature of maternal postpartum depressive emotions while monitoring child development. Furthermore, promoting high levels of spousal caregiving support is beneficial for the development of executive functions in three-year-old children.The strengths of this study lie in its large sample size (N=5458), which is representative of Taiwanese families, and its use of local data to explore the relationship between maternal postpartum depressive emotions and the development of executive functions in children. However, limitations include the subjectivity of data answered solely by mothers and the constraint of having only one question for maternal depressive emotions, spousal caregiving support, and household support in the database, making it challenging to further analyze related influencing factors.The research findings can serve as practical references for public health, early childhood education, and early intervention professionals who are concerned about maternal postpartum emotions and child development. Future research is suggested to further investigate the relevance of maternal postpartum emotions to other aspects of child development, such as motor skills and socio-emotional development, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between maternal postpartum emotions and child development. Moreover, employing various research methods and data sources would provide more diverse data analysis, reduce subjectivity in maternal responses, and enhance the reliability and validity of the research.Keywords: Child, executive function, Kids in Taiwan, Postpartum depressive mood trajectories, social support



幼兒, 幼兒發展調查資料庫, 產後憂鬱情緒軌跡, 執行功能, 社會支持, child, executive function, Kids in Taiwan, postpartum depressive mood trajectories, social support





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