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  本研究在探討消費者於網路購物時,品牌形象、網路口碑、對購買意願的影響並以消費者的人格特質(衝動型、謹慎型)為調節變數。Engel , Blackwell& Miniard (1984)從消費者的購物行為中推論出購物的決策流程,消費者接受行銷或服務的刺激(購買前),經過購買決策的決定,最後完成購買的整個流程,並且在完成購買行為後,接著評估與處理購買後方案,而在進行購買決策評估時,消費者的不同人格特質會對資訊的刺激有不同的反應使而產生不同的購買決策據此研究背景探討消費者在網路購物環境裡,購買的交易過程中人格特質對品牌形象與網路口碑等購買資訊搜索與處理的決策過程,謹慎以及衝動人格特質的調節效果。研究問題或假設消費者在網路購買3C資訊產品時品牌形象、網路口碑對購買意願會有影響,且消費者的人格特質具有調節的效果。   本研究以實體問卷以及網路問卷發放的方式進行調查,針對具有網路購物經驗的消費者為問卷施測對象,回收問卷共計500份,有效問卷487份,研究變項之衡量具備良好的信度效度與一致性,存在收斂與區別效度;回歸分析顯示本研究模型具備良好的解釋能力,研究結果發現(1)品牌形象對購買意願有顯著正向影響;(2)網路口碑對購買意願有顯著正向影響;(3)衝動型人格特質對品牌形象與購買意願關係不具調節效果;(4)衝動型人格特質對網路口碑與購買意願關係有顯著正向調節效果;(5)謹慎型人格特質對品牌形象與購買意願關係不具調節效果;(6)謹慎型人格特質對網路口碑與購買意願關係有顯著正向調節效果。   本研究認為分析網路口碑時需採用具有可探討性的商品為研究設計,因3C資訊產屬於複雜型產品,消費者在網路購買時需要強化資訊蒐集,謹慎的判斷網路口碑,在消費者強化資訊搜索的步驟中使企業建立的品牌形象影響力降低,使網路口碑的資訊重要性高於品牌形象。
  This study is to analysis Consumer Online Shopping the Influence relationships between Brand Image, Electronic word-of-mouth ,Personality(impulsive/cautious) Traits as Moderator. Engel , Blackwell& Miniard ( 1984)Consumer purchasing decision-making process model shows that consumer behavior patterns, Consumers are stimulated by marketing or service (Before buying), beginning purchase decision until the final completion of the purchase and go to evaluate and process post-purchase programs. And in the purchase decision-making assessment, the consumer's different personality traits will have different responses to produce different purchase decisions. Based on the background of the study, consumers’ Personality traits, prudent or impulsive,on the brand image and online word of mouth, in the online shopping environment,will make adjustment on information search and processing of the decision-making process during the purchasing process.The research assumes that consumers buy 3C products in the network, the brand image and online reputation will have impacts on the consumer's purchase intention, and the consumer's personality traits have the moderate effect in the model.   This study use questionnaire survey and statistic analysis to validate the prosed research model,the questionnaire were collected 500 cumsters who have Internet shopping experiments and 487 are effective which simultaneously collected by paper and internet questionnaire.The result from regression model showed that this research is highly valid , reliable and consistent,and result from the model showed that this research well fit the proposed model.   The major findings of this study are listed as follows(1) The brand image has a significant positive influence on the purchase intention.;(2) The Electronic word-of-mouth has a significant positive influence on the purchase intention. ;(3)Impulsive personality cannot moderate the influence of brand image on purchase intention.;(4) Impulsive personality has a significant positive moderate influence of Electronic word-of-mouth on purchase intention.;(5) Conscientiousness personality cannot moderate the influence of brand image on purchase intention. ;(6) Conscientiousness personality has a significant positive moderate influence of Electronic word-of-mouth on purchase intention. Finally, this research provides some managerial implications and directions for further research.   This study suggests that when analyzing the variables of online word of mouth, we need to use the exploratory products, because 3C products are complex products, consumers need to aggravatedly collecte information and cautiously determine the reputation of products from the Internet, in the end image of the impact enterprises builded will be depreciated by the information searching.Therefore, the importance of information on the Internet word of mouth is better than the brand image.



品牌形象, 網路口碑, 購買意願, 人格特質, Brand Image, Electronic word-of-mouth, Purchase Intentions, Personality Traits





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