

本研究目的在於探討越南籍配偶其社會人口學變項、生育保健認知、行動線索與其生育保健行為之關係。採橫斷式調查法,研究工具係由焦點團體訪談結果及相關文獻擬出之結構式問卷,母群體為就讀台北地區國小附設補校之越南籍女性配偶,採立意取樣,聯絡願意配合調查之台北地區國小補校,共得154個有效樣本。研究資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及複迴歸法進行分析,研究結果如下: 一、生育保健認知方面,研究對象大多數都能認同台灣坐月子時的吃補品習俗,60.4%的受訪者表示坐月子經驗是快樂的;生育保健行動線索方面,研究對象在懷孕期間的知識來源以醫院為主,坐月子期間的主要知識來源則是越南的媽媽;生育保健行為方面,研究對象在台灣做月子大多數都有吃麻油雞與喝生化湯,而越南特有的坐月子習俗(床下放燒熱的木炭、用毛巾包住頭、用棉花塞住耳朵)在台灣只有一成不到的人這麼做。 二、研究對象之社會人口學變項中,「與家人的溝通程度」會影響研究對象的生育保健認知,溝通沒有困難者有較好的認知;「與家人的溝通程度」及「目前是否懷孕」對其生育保健行動線索有顯著相關,目前有懷孕、與家人得溝通愈佳,則接受行動線索的影響愈強;「丈夫的教育程度」會影響其配偶生育保健行為,教育程度愈高者,其配偶生育保健行為愈良好。 三、研究對象其生育保健認知、行動線索與生育保健行為之間呈正相關。 四、研究對象的社會人口學變項、生育保健認知及行動線索可解釋越南籍配偶生育保健行為總變異量的49.4%,其中以「生育保健認知」的解釋力為最大。
The study attempts to investigate the relationships between the socio-demographic characteristics, the cognition of pregnancy healthcare, cues to action and the behavior of pregnancy healthcare among Vietnamese spouses in Taiwan. It is cross-sectional with questionnaires designed by the survey of focus groups interview and references. Purposive sampling design was adopted and the population of the study is the Vietnamese female spouses attending elementary supplement schools within Taipei area. In all questionnaires received, 154 are valid and the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1.As for the cognition, most spouses can identify with the Taiwanese convention of tonic-eating when to be in confinement. About sixty percent spouses think of the experience of to be in confinement as pleasure;As for the cues to action, the knowledge about pregnancy mainly comes from hospitals, however, the knowledge about to be in confinement mainly comes from their mothers;As for the behavior, most spouses in Taiwan have eaten sesame chicken and Shen-Hua-Tang. Less than ten percent spouses in Taiwan have followed the particular practice of Vietnam when to be in confinement such as putting afire charcoal under the bed, wrapping the head with towel and choking external auditory meatus with cotton. 2.Among all socio-demographic characteristics, "The communication ability" would influence the cognition of pregnancy healthcare. Spouses with better communication ability would have better cognition;"The communication ability" and "whether the spouses are pregnant" affect the cues to action significantly. Spouses with better communication ability or be pregnant are more influenced by cues to action. "The education level of the husband" would affect the pregnancy healthcare behavior of spouses. Spouses whose husband has higher education level would has better pregnancy healthcare behavior. 3.The cognition of pregnancy healthcare, the cues to action and the behavior of pregnancy healthcare are positive correlation. 4.The socio-demographic characteristics, the cognition of pregnancy healthcare and the cues to action account for 49.4% of the variance in the behavior of Vietnamese spouses. The cognition of pregnancy healthcare can predict the behavior most significantly.



越南籍配偶, 生育保健認知, 生育保健行為, 坐月子行為, Vietnamese Spouses, Vietnamese Brides, Vietnamese Immigrants, Cognition of Pregnancy Healthcare, Pregnancy Healthcare Behavior, Doing the Month





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