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  本研究主要目的在探討國民中學組織文化與教師社會資本之關係,透過文獻探討建立理論、研究架構並作為設計研究工具之依據,所探討的文獻包括國內的組織文化與社會資本相關研究。本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣之公立國中、公立高中國中部及私立高中國中部教師為取樣範圍,收回有效問卷472份。   本研究在預試問卷回收後分別以信度分析、因素分析;正式問卷回收後分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關以及多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料處理。 依據資料分析的結果,本研究獲致下列之結論: 一.桃園縣國民中學教師知覺到的學校組織文化整體情況為高度,其中以「層級節制」最為突顯。 二.桃園縣國民中學教師的社會資本存量整體表現屬於情形良好,其中以「關係面」最佳。 三.男性、年長、兼任行政職務及學校班級數較少的桃園縣國民中學教師知覺到較高度的學校組織文化。而師資培育機構、最高學歷、現職學校任教年資、學校所在地區及學校型態的不同並不會影響桃園縣國民中學教師知覺學校組織文化。 四.年長、資深、兼任行政職務的桃園縣國民中學教師知擁有較佳的社會資本存量。而教師性別、師資培育機構、最高學歷、學校所在地區、學校型態及學校班級數的不同並不會影響桃園縣國民中學教師的社會資本存量。 五.桃園縣國民中學學校組織文化與教師社會資本有顯著的正相關。 六.桃園縣國民中學教師知覺到的學校組織文化的情況愈高,教師社會資本的存量也會愈佳。 七.學校組織文化對教師社會資本具有預測作用,其中「凝聚共識」、「成長調適」、「層級節制」為主要的預測變項。   依據研究之主要發現與結論,研究者提出具體建議,以供學校、教師及相關相關人員後續研究之參考。
  This thesis aims to investigate the relationships between the school organizational culture and the teacher’s social capital in junior high school of Taoyuan county. This thesis builds the theory, the study structure, and the basis of designing the study instrument by the review of the literature and the survey.   The subjects of questionnaire survey are teachers in public and private junior high schools in Taoyuan county. And there are four hundred seventy-two valid copies. The collected data are analyzed by using the statistical methods of reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson product-moment correlation, canonical correlation and multiple regression.   According to the result of the data analysis, the main findings are as follows: 1. Taoyuan county’s junior high school teachers have a high sense of the school organizational culture. Among the four levels of school organization culture, “the hierarchical culture ” is the highest. 2. Taoyuan county’s junior high school teachers have high social capital. Among the three dimension s of social capital, “the relational dimension” is the highest. 3. The male, the elder, the administrator and schools of fewer classes teachers have a higher sense of the school organizational culture. There are no differences because of the teacher training institutions, educational background, years of serving schools, the locations of schools, and school are public or private in Taoyuan county’s junior high school teachers’s sense of the school organizational culture. 4. The elder, the experienced, and the administrator teachers have more Social capital. There are no differences because of the teacher’s gender, teacher training institutions, educational background, years of serving schools, the locations of schools, school are public or private, and the school size in teacher’s social capital. 5. It shows positive correlations between the school organizational culture and the teacher’s social capital in junior high school of Taoyuan county. 6. The higher school organizational culture will be, the more teacher’s social capital will be. 7. The school organizational culture can predict the teacher’s social capital, and “the consensual culture”, “the developmental culture”, and “the hierarchical culture” are the primary predictable variable.   Findings and conclusion in this research could be used as a reference for schools, teachers and researchers to promote practice in operation and future research.



學校組織文化, 社會資本, school organizational culture, social capital





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