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垃圾清運費徵收方式,在先進國家很多城市已由原先隨水徵收改為隨量徵收(簡稱PAYT制,亦即Pay-As –You-Throw),在我國除了台北市、台北縣6鄉鎮市及台中縣石岡鄉採取垃圾費隨袋徵收外,其他地區均仍採取隨水徵收制度。國外文獻已經證實垃圾費的收費方式改為隨量徵收,確實能更進一步促進「垃圾減量」的效果且符合使用者付費公平正義。本研究目的就是探討板橋市地區在目前的現況條件下,可否像台北市、台北縣6個鄉市鎮一樣成功實施「垃圾清運費隨袋徵收」政策及實施可能產生問題。 同時本研究希望瞭解板橋市地區民眾對現行垃圾清運費徵收方式的意願及滿意程度,對垃圾清運費隨袋徵收及其他徵收方式的覺知、知識、態度及行為偏好傾向,以預測板橋市地區民眾對垃圾清運費隨袋徵收及其他徵收方式偏好傾向的行為意圖之情形,作為日後板橋市及其他地區相關單位實施垃圾費徵收方式之參考。 本研究所得發現:僅1成3民眾選擇現行的垃圾清運費「隨水徵收」,4成8民眾選擇「隨垃圾袋大小徵收」;願意支付「垃圾清運費每月100元以下」佔最多數;大多數民眾知道板橋市垃圾分類資源回收的情況且願意進行垃圾分類資源回收工作;惟發現受訪民眾「51-61歲」顯著較「21-30歲」知道及支持政策;民眾對環境態度友善,對環境生活品質、汙染付費、垃圾減量資源回收均在意或知道,惟對繳交「垃圾清運費」、「繳交汽(機)車燃料稅」相關規費表達猶豫態度;約六成多民眾環境概念知識答錯;民眾對參與「環境行動」欠缺主動積極,儘管如此,有六成多的民眾表達「需要改變我處理垃圾的習慣,我會支持隨袋徵收政策」;在要改變垃圾清運費徵收方式政策,民眾依次選擇以「增加環境整潔」、「促進下一代子孫健康」、「能有助於垃圾減量資源回收」及「收費更公平」佔多數;在「改採隨袋徵收的方式會遭遇的困難」,民眾依次選擇以「輔導人力不足」、「民眾不配合」、「里民參與意願低落」及「專業人才不足」佔多數。 關鍵詞:隨袋徵收、垃圾減量資源回收、環境素養、環境價值觀與態度、環境行動
In many cities of modernized countries, the fee for waste collection has changed from the original combine with the water usage to PAYT (or Pay As You Throw). In Taiwan, only Taipei City, 6 townships in Taipei County, and Shihkang Township in Taichung County have adopted to the PAYT methods, all other regions are still collecting the waste management fee along with their water usage fee. Foreign research literatures already confirmed the fact that change the waste management fee collection to PAYT can further help in “Waste Reduction” and justify the pay-per-use concept. The purpose of this research was to discuss the possibility of Banqiao City, under its current condition, whether it could implement the PAYT policy effectively and successfully like Taipei City and those 6 townships in Taipei County, and the possible problems it might caused after implementation. This research also tried to understand the willingness and satisfaction of the Banqiao Citizens on the current waste management fee collection method, as well as their perception, knowledge, attitude and behavior preference toward PAYT and other types of fee collection methods. We then tried to predict the preferred preference behavior of the Banqiao Citizen on the PAYT and other types of fee collection methods. This information could provide useful reference to the City of Banqiao and related departments from other regions on the waste management fee collection methods. This research found out that only 13% of the publics preferred the current method of combining the waste management collection fee with their water usage fee; and 48% of the publics would choose PAYT. The majority of the publics were willing to pay “Monthly Waste Management Fee under NTD$100”. Most of the Banqiao citizens were aware of the waste recycling situation in Banqiao City and were willing to conduct waste recycling duty. However, during our interviews, we found out that the “51 ~ 61” age group significantly aware and support the policy than the “21 ~ 30” age group. The publics all acknowledged on environmental friendly, environmental living quality, fined for pollution, and waste reduction and recycle. However, the publics showed hesitation in questions regarding paying “Waste Management Fee” and “Fuel Tax for Motorized Vehicles”. About 60% of the publics answered incorrectly in environmental concepts knowledge. The publics were also lacking activeness in “Environmental Actions”, though 60% of the publics expressed “Needs to improve my habits on waste management, and I will support PAYT”. In the area of improving the waste management fee collection method policy, the publics selected in priority of the following: “Improve the cleanness of the environment”, “Improve the health condition of our next generation”, “Help reduce waste and improve recycling”, and “Justify fee collection”. In the area of “The difficulties encountered after implementing PAYT”, the publics selected in priority of the following: “lack of counseling personnel”, “people not complying”, “low participation from the citizens”, “lack of professional personnel”. Key words: PAYT (Pay As You Throw), waste reduction and recycling, environmental literacy, environmental value and attitude, environmental action



隨袋徵收, 垃圾減量資源回收, 環境素養, 環境價值觀與態度, 環境行動, PAYT (Pay As You Throw), waste reduction and recycling, environmental literacy, environmental value and attitude, environmental action





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