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綜整過去文獻可知,當食物的外觀、味道或其本身,可以讓食用的人舒緩情緒、緩解壓力、滿足其懷舊、社會關係等等需求時,該食物可以被稱為療癒性飲食 (comfort food)。本研究目的為:(一) 探討嬰兒潮世代的療癒性食物屬性為何、(二) 探討嬰兒潮世代享用療癒性食物時的結果與感受、(三) 探討療癒性食物對嬰兒潮世代的意義價值。本研究採取方法目的鏈,透過便利抽樣與滾雪球抽樣,完成40位嬰兒潮世代的深度訪談。以內容分析法與主題分析法將受訪者的療癒性飲食屬性歸納為點心、主食、菜餚、小吃、飲品、水果等。受訪者享用療癒性食物的結果階層有感官享受、健康因素、生理因素、情緒結果、家庭情感、喚起兒時記憶、社會關係、功能性結果。療癒性食物對受訪者的價值為幸福、內在酬賞、內在和諧、關係和諧、天倫、獨特。從價值的階層脈絡顯示,以點心、主食、飲品類為主的療癒性飲食帶來的情緒、感官上享受以及喚起兒時的回憶,能讓人們體會到幸福。本研究除了重新定義療癒性飲食,還建議餐飲與食品業者針對中高齡族群進行飲食研發時,深入了解他們的心理需求、生活經歷或兒時意象,結合食物設計,作為行銷策略的一環。
Previous literature suggested that “comfort food” was the food when its appearance, taste, or the food itself smooths the eater’s emotion, relieves his/her stress, fulfill the nostalgia or social needs. The purposes of this study aimed to: (1) analyze the attributes of comfort food for baby boomers, (2) discuss the consequences of comfort food on baby boomers, and (3) explore the values and significance of comfort food for baby boomers. The present study employed Means-end Chain method and recruited a total of 40 baby boomers through convenience sampling and snowball sampling to complete the in-depth interviews. Data were managed by content analysis and thematic analysis. The 6 attributes of the comfort food included snacks, staple food, delicacies, etc. The consequences of ingesting comfort food were categorized into sensory stimulus, family affection, recollection of childhood and other 5 items. There were 6 values behind the comfort food such as happiness, intrinsic reward, inner peace, etc. The hierarchical value map showed the comfort food categories of snack, staple food, and drinks brought the baby boomers pleasant sensation, positive emotion, and recall of childhood memories, and all these consequences turned into the psychological value of happiness. The study further redefined the concept of comfort food and suggested that foodservice practitioners pay more attention on psychological demands, of the middle-aged and the elderly people when designing their products and making the marketing strategy.
Previous literature suggested that “comfort food” was the food when its appearance, taste, or the food itself smooths the eater’s emotion, relieves his/her stress, fulfill the nostalgia or social needs. The purposes of this study aimed to: (1) analyze the attributes of comfort food for baby boomers, (2) discuss the consequences of comfort food on baby boomers, and (3) explore the values and significance of comfort food for baby boomers. The present study employed Means-end Chain method and recruited a total of 40 baby boomers through convenience sampling and snowball sampling to complete the in-depth interviews. Data were managed by content analysis and thematic analysis. The 6 attributes of the comfort food included snacks, staple food, delicacies, etc. The consequences of ingesting comfort food were categorized into sensory stimulus, family affection, recollection of childhood and other 5 items. There were 6 values behind the comfort food such as happiness, intrinsic reward, inner peace, etc. The hierarchical value map showed the comfort food categories of snack, staple food, and drinks brought the baby boomers pleasant sensation, positive emotion, and recall of childhood memories, and all these consequences turned into the psychological value of happiness. The study further redefined the concept of comfort food and suggested that foodservice practitioners pay more attention on psychological demands, of the middle-aged and the elderly people when designing their products and making the marketing strategy.
中高齡者, 食物選擇, 飲食行為, 方法目的鏈, Middle-aged and elderly adults, Food choices, Eating behavior, Means-End Chain