

摘 要 本研究主要的目的在瞭解外籍配偶子女生活型態與體適能發展之現況,並藉由生活型態問卷填答及體適能檢測,以了解外籍配偶子女與一般學童之差異。經立意取向,選取彰化縣內包含彰化市共8鄉鎮、26間國民小學,其母親為外籍或本國國籍配偶之四年級男性學童各56人為研究對象,並分為外籍配偶組與本國國籍組。所有受試者皆測量其健康體適能,包含:身體組成、柔軟度、肌力(肌耐力)和心肺耐力,並參照專家學者及自行設計問卷進行生活型態調查。所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定分析及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析,所得結果如下: 一、一般學童在身高、立定跳遠、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、顯著優於外籍配偶子女(137.65 ± 6.25公分、142.30 ± 18.70公分、25.13 ± 6.47次 V.S 134.59 ± 6.42公分、133.57 ± 22.92公分、22.36 ± 7.55次;p< .05)。 二、外籍配偶組之父親年齡與父母親年齡差明顯大於本國國籍組(43.15 ± 4.51歲、8.32 ± 5.39歲 V.S 40.32 ± 3.45歲、2.89 ± 2.37歲;p< .05),但外籍配偶組之母親年齡則明顯較本國國籍組來的年輕(35.54 ± 4.38歲 V.S 38.13 ± 4.26歲;p< .05)。 三、本國國籍子女的家庭社經地位、身體活動總分與睡眠品質總分皆顯著優於外籍配偶子女(30.95 ± 9.30分、17.96 ± 3.13分、3.16 ± 1.65分 V.S 23.29 ± 7.59分、15.88 ± 3.16分、4.11 ± 2.33分;p< .05),但睡眠品質總分上兩組皆屬於良好之等級,至於飲食行為總分上則兩組間無明顯差異。 由本研究可發現生活型態與體適能息息相關,良好的生活型態將影響學童的體適能。因此,除了在體育課及課餘活動增加學生運動量外,亦可從日常生活型態中增加身體活動量、改善飲食行為與睡眠品質來提升體適能表現。 關鍵詞:外籍配偶、國小子女、生活型態、體適能
The Study of Lifestyle and Health-Related Physical Fitness in the Elementary School Student of Foreign Spouses Jan 2007 Graduate: Ming-Hsiung Hsu Advisor: Mong-Da Hsu ABSTRACT The study was to compare the differentiation of lifestyle and health-related physical fitness between the elementary school student of foreign spouses and general spouses. Based on this purpose, we have randomly chosen 112 forth-graders from Nan-Guo Elementary School in Chuang-Hua County and the other 25 elementary schools. All subjects divided into two groups according to the nationality of their parent: the foreign spouses group (FSG) and the general spouses group (GSG). The methods for research comprise measuring students’ health-related physical fitness, indexes are composed of body mass index (BMI), flexibility, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. We collect, on top of that, self-administrated questionnaires to gather the information that we require. All the data were collected and analyzed with t-test and Pearson’s product-moment. The results were shown as followed: 1. The height, standing long jump and one-minute sit-up test was higher and better in the GSG than in the FSG (respectively 137.65 ± 6.25 cm、142.30 ± 18.70 cm、25.13 ± 6.47 time V.S 134.59 ± 6.42 cm、133.57 ± 22.92 cm、22.36 ± 7.55 time;p< .05). 2. The paternal age and parental age difference were older and greater in the GSG than in the FSG (43.15 ± 4.51 years、8.32 ± 5.39 years V.S 40.32 ± 3.45 years、2.89 ± 2.37 years;p< .05). But the maternal age was younger in the GSG than in the FSG (43.15 ± 4.51 years V.S 40.32 ± 3.45 years;p< .05). 3. The “social-economic status”, “physical activity” and “quality of sleep” were better in the GSG than in the FSG (30.95 ± 9.30 score、17.96 ± 3.13 score、3.16 ± 1.65 score V.S 23.29 ± 7.59 score、15.88 ± 3.16 score、4.11 ± 2.33 score;p< .05). As a whole, lifestyle and health-related physical fitness are very closely related. Not only increasing the physical activity in physical education and leisure time, but also improving the lifestyle, is useful to enhance the health-related physical fitness of the children. KEY WORDS:Foreign Spouses, Elementary School Student, Lifestyle, Health-Related Physical Fitness



外籍配偶, 國小子女, 生活型態, 體適能, Foreign Spouses, Elementary School Student, Lifestyle, Health-Related Physical Fitness





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