疏離的同類― 從都會視覺形象談到現代人疏離感的創作提問

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本研究以生活在都會區的現代人為關注對象,思考人和城市之間的依存關係,並檢視伴隨現代化社會體制而來,施加於人的種種壓力和不滿情緒。起因於作者自身從鄉下到都市生活的環境變異,差異甚鉅的觀看經驗和生活習性,提供作者得以自當下都會生活跳脫思考的基礎背景。 現代人對光鮮亮麗的大都市有很多美好的想像,到大都會區生活打拼,是許多人對未來和人生價值得以確立的期許。無奈,作者在台北都會區求學、生活的期間,無法在追求光鮮表面的社會氛圍中找到自我信念的確立,反而感受到許多都會人終日庸庸碌碌、追逐利益,就像是失去個人主體,沒有情感的機器。因此展開對都會人內心層面的關注之下,發現生活其中的彼此,可能在有意無意間被塑造成一群「疏離的同類」。 創作是藝術家賴以和社會產生思想交流的方式之一,本研究中,作者企圖在創作上探討都會人的抽象心靈於現代化社會體制產生變異的歷程。透過筆者對自我和現況的反思、文學家筆下生活於都市中的小人物生命中的掙扎故事、社會學和哲學家對現代資本社會的預言和批判,三方面的分別探討,共同形塑出的是不同城市的現代居民,同時擁有的疏離感受,並具體為筆者詮釋而提出「碎塊」、「表面」、以及「自我定位的模糊」三種對現代都會人的看法。 有別於多數創作者自都會外貌上的描寫切入,筆者抽取了科技發展下,屬於當代的視覺感受―LED點陣視覺,作為詮釋隱身社會背後的操控者,對生活在都會的現代人展開思想的牽引和掌控。這種得自科技,碎裂的視覺經驗近年來在大都市甚為普及,在筆者的詮釋之下,將都市人對自我價值逸散成碎塊的同時,和此視覺進行掛勾,在水墨創作的脈絡上展開對當代社會的提問。
The research focuses on people living in metropolitan areas, looking for the relation-ship between people and cities and reviewing various pressures and discontent im-posed on people because of the modern social system. The author’s observation and living experience in the quite different environments between the countryside and the city have provided the author a background to think outside the box from his current urban life. People nowadays expect a lot for the colorful and vivid big cities. Working at big cit-ies becomes an expectation of approving the future achievement and personal value. However, the experience of studying and living in Taipei city where fills with the at-mosphere of trying to pursue the colorful appearance of life, does not help author to find the self-value but feels that metropolitans just care about the benefit, having lost their individuality and emotion in their mediocre life. Therefore, the author starts car-ing the spiritual level of metropolitans and find that some of them may have been categorized as the “alienated group.” Creation is one of methods for artists to exchange ideas with the society. Author tries to discuss the changing process of metropolitans’ abstract spirit in the modern society in the research. The introspection of the author and the existing situation, stories writ-ten by litterateurs about people living in the street to strive for life and the prediction and criticism of sociologists and philosophers over modern capital society are the three aspects in the research to discover the same alienation happening among people living in the different cities. The research also brings thoughts of “fragment”, “appearance” and “obscure self-position” regarding to modern metropolitans for the author. The author uses the technology – LED matrix vision – to represent the modern vision different from the measure of describing metropolitans’ thoughts from the aspect of city appearance in an attempt to act like a controller hiding behind the society to con-trol and lead thoughts of people. The experience of fragmented vision thanks to tech- nology has spread among big cities over the last few years. The author tries to connect the vision with the fragmented self-value of metropolitans to raise questions for the modern society based on the ink paintings.



都市群像, 疏離感, 碎塊, LED點陣視覺, 水墨創作, urban group portrait, alienation, fragment, LED matrix vision, Chinese Painting





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