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摘 要
面對當前全球化以及所謂泛華人化的趨勢,本論文採取Siraya和女性主義做為雙視角論點,重頭思索台灣性的內涵,從一個植基於Siraya和女性主義的跨領域論述,來探究建構一個以台灣為基礎的知識系統的可能性。誠如本論文標題第一個詞 “Toward” 所示,本論文以書寫行動來落實一個以將來為取向的努力,期盼能邁向一個蘊育當中的跨面向學術地界。
關鍵詞: Siraya、平埔族原住民、女性主義、後殖民、跨論述
Toward a Siraya-based Taiwanese Feminism Abstract A Tai-lam-based lowland Austronesian people, Siraya has become a focus of social activisms and epistemological forums since the 1990s, as democratization and indigenization have been thriving in Taiwan after the lift of martial law in 1987. Espousing a matrifocal tradition, Siraya used to be marginalized in the patriarchal constructs implemented by colonial regimes in the last four centuries. Nevertheless, Siraya’s matrifocal elements, which manifests in familial, communal networks, economic production, and religious and cultural practices, translate an inspiration for confronting Chinese Han hegemony and recreating Taiwan subjecthood. Furthermore, Sirayan descendents have been engaged in a revitalization movement from the 1990s onwards, and their collective efforts in the cause not only affect Sirayan communities but also cross ethnic boundaries and impact upon the entire Taiwan society. Similar to Siraya, Taiwanese women have experienced more repression than their male counterparts, as the former not only endured colonial violence but also patriarchal dominance. Thereby, both Siraya and Taiwanese women embosom subaltern momentums to counteract against heterogeneous forms of oppression. To address the weakness of contemporary theorizations on Taiwanese nationalism, which takes androcentric and Han-centric standpoints, the research reinvestigates Siraya’s matrifocal values and Taiwan herstory in the perspective of postcolonial feminism, enhancing Siraya as a tangent to re-explore the intersectionalities between gender, class, ethnicity, religion, culture, imperialism and other forms of political agencies. The dissertation takes Siraya and feminism as dual vantage points for rethinking on Taiwanness, probing the possibilities for a Taiwan-based study by rearticulating a Siraya-based feministic cross-field in the face of contemporary trends of globalization and the so-called pan-Chineseness. As the first word of the title “Toward” explicates, this dissertation marks a writing action and embodies a future-oriented endeavor to unveil an embryonic epistemology and trans-discourse. Keywords: Siraya, lowland indigenous peoples, feminism, post-colonial, trans-discourse
Toward a Siraya-based Taiwanese Feminism Abstract A Tai-lam-based lowland Austronesian people, Siraya has become a focus of social activisms and epistemological forums since the 1990s, as democratization and indigenization have been thriving in Taiwan after the lift of martial law in 1987. Espousing a matrifocal tradition, Siraya used to be marginalized in the patriarchal constructs implemented by colonial regimes in the last four centuries. Nevertheless, Siraya’s matrifocal elements, which manifests in familial, communal networks, economic production, and religious and cultural practices, translate an inspiration for confronting Chinese Han hegemony and recreating Taiwan subjecthood. Furthermore, Sirayan descendents have been engaged in a revitalization movement from the 1990s onwards, and their collective efforts in the cause not only affect Sirayan communities but also cross ethnic boundaries and impact upon the entire Taiwan society. Similar to Siraya, Taiwanese women have experienced more repression than their male counterparts, as the former not only endured colonial violence but also patriarchal dominance. Thereby, both Siraya and Taiwanese women embosom subaltern momentums to counteract against heterogeneous forms of oppression. To address the weakness of contemporary theorizations on Taiwanese nationalism, which takes androcentric and Han-centric standpoints, the research reinvestigates Siraya’s matrifocal values and Taiwan herstory in the perspective of postcolonial feminism, enhancing Siraya as a tangent to re-explore the intersectionalities between gender, class, ethnicity, religion, culture, imperialism and other forms of political agencies. The dissertation takes Siraya and feminism as dual vantage points for rethinking on Taiwanness, probing the possibilities for a Taiwan-based study by rearticulating a Siraya-based feministic cross-field in the face of contemporary trends of globalization and the so-called pan-Chineseness. As the first word of the title “Toward” explicates, this dissertation marks a writing action and embodies a future-oriented endeavor to unveil an embryonic epistemology and trans-discourse. Keywords: Siraya, lowland indigenous peoples, feminism, post-colonial, trans-discourse
Siraya, 平埔族原住民, 女性主義, 後殖民, 跨論述, Siraya, lowland indigenous peoples, feminism, post-colonial, trans-discourse