

本研究旨在瞭解我國現階段運動傳播的現況,探究在全球化潮流下,運動媒介如何利用行銷觀念與技術,發展出屬於當地市場的行銷傳播策略。 本研究擬以世界知名的運動媒體--台灣ESPN為對象,旨於針對台灣ESPN做為一個跨國運動媒體,如何利用整合行銷傳播的作法,進行全球在地化的目標。因此,本研究以個案研究法、文獻分析法及深度訪談法,分析台灣ESPN在SBL執行的整合行銷傳播策略,企圖建立觀眾與廠商的品牌忠誠度,進而創造出來自於觀眾的經濟價值,達成綜效的最終目的。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 台灣ESPN在整合行銷傳播的策略執行中,其4「O」策略相當成功,並確實達成綜效的實質目標,且在傳播工具的整合上也相當成功。 二、 台灣ESPN組織內部,經常對各部門溝通協調,讓成員對整個組織行銷傳播的目標產生認同感,爾後,再與利益關係人協調、溝通,以求取最佳綜效。 三、 台灣ESPN對於頻道的品牌形象與精神相當重視,以一致性的訊息向目標對象進行傳播,並附載品牌經營精神於其中,要傳達的訊息與目標也會保持一致性與連貫性。 四、 台灣ESPN在顧客資料庫運用,及建立整合行銷傳播的評估機制等方面並不完善,對於強調從消費者出發的整合行銷傳播而言,並無法獲得良好的行銷效益。 有鑑於此,研究者建議台灣ESPN,除建立整合行銷傳播績效評估的標準外,尚需將消費者的資料建檔、分析、歸納分類,做為日後的整合行銷計畫發展之基礎,以強化整合行銷傳播的訊息,節省行銷資源,並追求最佳的綜效。
Integrated Marketing Communication in Sports Channel —A Case Study of ESPN Taiwan Abstract This study endeavored to understand the development of sports media in Taiwan and probed how sport media, under the trend of globalization, developed local marketing communication strategies by using marketing concepts and techniques. The subject of this research was the most famous transnational sports media--- ESPN Taiwan, which utilized the core concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) to achieve the goal of localization. Thus, the research employed the methods of case study, documentary analysis, and depth interview to analyze the IMC strategies of ESPN Taiwan in SBL. With varied and creative promotions, ESPN Taiwan wanted to elicit brand loyalty from the audience and sponsors, to further create the audience’s economic value and finally to reach the Synergy. The major findings were as follows: (1) The four 「O」 IMC strategies of ESPN Taiwan were extremely successful, including On-Air, Off-Air, On-Ground, On-Line. ESPN Taiwan also attained the synergy and success in the integration of communication tools. (2) ESPN Taiwan did well in communicating and coordinating with different divisions. In addition, ESPN Taiwan had all the members/staffs agree to the organization’s marking goal. Then, in order to get best synergy, it not only passed the one voice but also the same message to stakeholders. (3) ESPN Taiwan emphasized on the brand image and spirit of the channel as well as the brand spirit toward the target by sending consistent and coherent messages. (4) ESPN Taiwan failed to take advantages of the customer database and the IMC valuation system. As for the IMC, which stressed on customers, ESPN Taiwan didn’t achieve the good marketing efficiency. Therefore, ESPN Taiwan needs to build up, analyze, and classify the audience database apart from setting up the criterion of IMC valuation, based the future IMC on such audience database to enhance the messages and pursues best synergy eventually.



台灣ESPN, 整合行銷傳播, 綜效, Sport Channel, IMC, Synergy





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