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環境學習中心的興起在非正規環境教育上扮演重要的角色,根據環境學習中心所提供方案之核心目標,「自然體驗」可提供學生親近自然的生命經驗,並增加學生的人際和環境互動,針對特殊需求的孩童,更能增加其主動性和自我引導的能力,在特殊教育的教學策略中,強調具體、真實的學習經驗,而在環境學習中心裡的學習,正好可以彌補在學校教育的不足,提供學生在真實環境裡透過具體感官的經驗進行學習。為保障特殊需求對象的學習權益,環境學習中心應提供適切的服務和方案,執行人員則須具備相關知能,以規劃與執行特殊需求方案。 本研究以「關渡自然公園」此環境學習中心為例,透過行動研究的方式,深入瞭解團隊人員在規劃和執行特殊需求方案時所面臨之議題與挑戰,並共同討論出以「特殊需求對象的基本認識」、「課程調整與教學方法的運用」和「資源整合與夥伴關係」三大議題為主,擬定相關之解決策略,再根據討論結果與團隊人員共同進行專業知能發展,以協助中心之特殊需求方案執行人員的量能提升,並作為其他環境學習中心在發展特殊需求方案時的參考。
The rise of environmental learning center (ELC) plays an essential role in nonformal environmental education. According to the core objectives offered by the ELC, “nature” provides students with experiences, which are close to nature, and enhances their interaction with people and environment. For children with special needs, experiencing nature can help them grow initiative and self-guiding ability. The teaching strategy of special education places great emphasis on concrete and real learning experience. The learning in the ELC can make up for the defect of school education, allowing them to learn through sensory experience in real environment. To protect the right to education of everyone, the ELC should offer appropriate services and programs, and the staff should be equipped with relating knowledge and skills. As a result, they can plan and execute the proper program for special needs. The study will take Guandu Nature Park for instance. By action research, the study tries to gain a deep understanding about the problems and challenges faced by staff when implementing these programs. The issues include the understanding of special needs, teaching strategies, resources integration, and partnership building. And professional development can help the ELC achieve capacity building. Simultaneously, it would be served as a reference for other ELCs when developing program for special needs.



環境學習中心, 特殊需求方案, 量能提升, 行動研究, environmental learning center, program for special needs, capacity building, action research





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