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1. 台北縣市國小班導師對於兒童目睹婚姻暴力的「風險程度高」之特質案例,辨識的正確率高於目睹婚姻暴力的「風險程度低」之特質案例。
2. 台北縣市國小班導師對於「不應對兒童給予過度承諾」、「不應對兒童家庭發生暴力的原因予以解釋」此兩項目睹婚姻暴力兒童的處置原則較不瞭解。
3. 台北縣市國小班導師對於目睹婚暴兒童處置過程中之責任劃分,對於九項服務具有高共識程度。
4. 台北縣市國小班導師認為其在目睹婚姻暴力兒童的處置中,最容易遇到的困
5. 台北縣市國小班導師發現目睹婚暴兒童之管道多透由「兒童主動告知」。此外,在面對目睹婚姻暴力兒童,其最多提供的協助為諮商輔導與轉介。
6. 台北縣市國小班導師對於目睹婚暴兒童之辨識能力、處置原則之瞭解、服務項目之認定、和遭遇的困難,會隨其人口背景變項的不同而有所差異。
Many evidenced researches show that children who are exposed to domestic violence may suffer from some emotional and behavioral trouble. However, the characteristics that violent families possess, such as high instability and isolation, hinder these children from acquiring the services of social welfare system. Therefore, the educational system serves an important role as a frontliner in identifying and interfering exposure to domestic violence. The research focuses on homeroom teachers in elementary schools. Through questionnaire inquisition, the researcher attempts to investigate the teachers’ ability of discrimination and other related information of their intervention. These information include: the understanding of the principles in intervention, the recognition of services suitable for educational systems, the difficulties in intervention, and the assistance from social welfare system these children desire to have. 353 questionnaires were sent out in conducting the research, with 287 questionnaires returned. The response rate is 81.3%. By applying descriptive statistics and logistic regression, we obtain the following researchful results: 1. The research participants’ ability of discrimination is higher in the case in which there is a high possibility that children witness domestic violence than in the case in which there is a low possibility. 2. Two of the principles in intervention, ‘Do not make too much promise to children’ and ‘Do not explain to children why there is domestic violence in their family’ were less understood by the research participants. 3. There are nine services which are regarded as suitable responsibility for teachers by the research participants . 4. The two difficulties that the research participants think they easily encounter are: ’Children are reluctant to tell the teacher that they have witnessed domestic violence ’ and ‘The teacher’ has insufficient professional ability’. On the other hand, the support that research participants desire to get includes the possession of professional ability, the aid of multi-profession system, and the development of referral system. 5. The research participants usually find children exposed to domestic violence through children’s own words. Furthermore, the assistance they provide to children the most are counseling and referral. 6. As the research participants’ soci-demographic characteristics change, their ability to identify children exposed to domestic violence, their understanding of principle in intervention, their recognition of suitable services, and the difficulties they encounter in the process of intervention, may differ. The researcher hereby offers related discussion and advices.
Many evidenced researches show that children who are exposed to domestic violence may suffer from some emotional and behavioral trouble. However, the characteristics that violent families possess, such as high instability and isolation, hinder these children from acquiring the services of social welfare system. Therefore, the educational system serves an important role as a frontliner in identifying and interfering exposure to domestic violence. The research focuses on homeroom teachers in elementary schools. Through questionnaire inquisition, the researcher attempts to investigate the teachers’ ability of discrimination and other related information of their intervention. These information include: the understanding of the principles in intervention, the recognition of services suitable for educational systems, the difficulties in intervention, and the assistance from social welfare system these children desire to have. 353 questionnaires were sent out in conducting the research, with 287 questionnaires returned. The response rate is 81.3%. By applying descriptive statistics and logistic regression, we obtain the following researchful results: 1. The research participants’ ability of discrimination is higher in the case in which there is a high possibility that children witness domestic violence than in the case in which there is a low possibility. 2. Two of the principles in intervention, ‘Do not make too much promise to children’ and ‘Do not explain to children why there is domestic violence in their family’ were less understood by the research participants. 3. There are nine services which are regarded as suitable responsibility for teachers by the research participants . 4. The two difficulties that the research participants think they easily encounter are: ’Children are reluctant to tell the teacher that they have witnessed domestic violence ’ and ‘The teacher’ has insufficient professional ability’. On the other hand, the support that research participants desire to get includes the possession of professional ability, the aid of multi-profession system, and the development of referral system. 5. The research participants usually find children exposed to domestic violence through children’s own words. Furthermore, the assistance they provide to children the most are counseling and referral. 6. As the research participants’ soci-demographic characteristics change, their ability to identify children exposed to domestic violence, their understanding of principle in intervention, their recognition of suitable services, and the difficulties they encounter in the process of intervention, may differ. The researcher hereby offers related discussion and advices.
婚姻暴力, 目睹兒童, 教師, 辨識, 處置, domestic violence, children exposed to domestic violence, teacher, identify, intervention