探討影響消費者對QR Code使用滿意度之關鍵因素
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現今人類社會已逐漸走向「行動為王」的時代,放眼望去不管是在發票、賣場DM 、商品型錄、報章雜誌、網站、百貨公司、便利商店、觀光景點、餐廳、戶外看板、捷運上的海報等等,在其一角總會發現一個方格裡有3個「回」字特徵的圖案,這個在最近漸漸開始出現在我們生活之中的小東西就是QR Code,QR Code現在已被廣泛運用在許多行動商務與行銷傳播溝通上,儼然已經成為一種趨勢。過去在消費者行為相關之文獻中,「期望確認理論」(expectation confirmation theory, ECT)常被用來評估及衡量消費者對產品或服務的滿意度及購後行為等,因此本研究將體驗、體驗價值與期望確認理論作為理論基礎,旨在探討消費者的體驗與體驗價值對消費者使用QR Code時的滿意度之影響,研究對象為台灣地區曾經有使用過智慧型手持裝置掃描QR Code任何應用的消費者,經由便利抽樣進行網路問卷發放,回收了200份有效問卷作為預試的樣本,接著再發放正式問卷,總共回收有效問卷779份,並以結構方程模型去驗證研究假說內容。本研究結果發現(1)消費者的體驗可以正向預測體驗價值(2)體驗價值可以正向預測使用滿意度(3)消費者對於目前QR Code的應用大致上抱持著負面而且不肯定的看法。因此,業者如何將創意與QR Code做結合,以吸引消費者的好奇心,讓消費者本身獲得良好的使用經驗,確實感受到QR Code可增進其生活效率與品質,以讓消費者感覺到較高的體驗價值,對於提升消費者的滿意度與QR Code的效益將會更有幫助。
QR codes, developed by a Japanese company, have been around for over fifteen years. With the advent of smart and Web capable mobile devices, we witness a steady growth of interesting commercial applications using QR codes. The key to victory of enterprise in twenty-first century was created one kind of “experiential value” that customer can feel. Therefore created perfect experience to promote the customers of getting higher satisfactory, and then results of positive behavior intention was the key victory factor of earning profit to enterprise. Based on experiences, experiential values and expectation confirmation theory (ECT), the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of consumers’ experiences, experiential values and satisfaction. The objects of study were the people who have used QR Code in Taiwan. An internet questionnaire survey method was adopted in this study, there were 779 effective questionnaires collected, achieving an effective questionnaire return rate at 97%. Structural Equation Models were used to test the proposed hypotheses. SPSS and AMOS software were applied as the analyzing tool in this study. The results showed that:(1)Consumers’ experiences have a significant positive correlation on experiential values. (2)Experiential values have a significant positive correlation on user satisfaction. (3)Consumers generally hold negative opinions on the application of QR Code.
QR codes, developed by a Japanese company, have been around for over fifteen years. With the advent of smart and Web capable mobile devices, we witness a steady growth of interesting commercial applications using QR codes. The key to victory of enterprise in twenty-first century was created one kind of “experiential value” that customer can feel. Therefore created perfect experience to promote the customers of getting higher satisfactory, and then results of positive behavior intention was the key victory factor of earning profit to enterprise. Based on experiences, experiential values and expectation confirmation theory (ECT), the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of consumers’ experiences, experiential values and satisfaction. The objects of study were the people who have used QR Code in Taiwan. An internet questionnaire survey method was adopted in this study, there were 779 effective questionnaires collected, achieving an effective questionnaire return rate at 97%. Structural Equation Models were used to test the proposed hypotheses. SPSS and AMOS software were applied as the analyzing tool in this study. The results showed that:(1)Consumers’ experiences have a significant positive correlation on experiential values. (2)Experiential values have a significant positive correlation on user satisfaction. (3)Consumers generally hold negative opinions on the application of QR Code.
QR Code, 結構方程模型, 體驗價值, 期望確認理論, 使用滿意度, QR Code, structural equational modeling, experiential value, expectation confirmation theory(ECT), user satisfaction