臺灣地區十二年國教體適能 列入超額比序之現況研究
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本研究旨在瞭解體適能成績列入十二年國教各免試就學區超額比序之現況,並調查與分析全臺灣民眾之認知及看法。以自編之「體適能列入十二年國民基本教育超額比序認知意見調查表」作為研究調查工具,於民國102年4月15日至5月10日進行問卷收集,使用Google Docs做為網路傳送平台,張貼連結於BBS問卷版、教育版和FACEBOOK社群供民眾上網填答,一共回收1313份有效問卷,再根據所得資料以描述性統計、T考驗分析(t-test)和單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)等統計方法分析處理,將研究結果綜整討論後獲得以下結論:
This study aimed to understand status quo for physical fitness included in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education in each exemption attendance area. Also, this study investigated and analyzed the cognition and perception about this issue from people in Taiwan. Self-developed questionnaire of “survey of cognition of physical fitness included in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education” was used as the research tool in this study. The questionnaires were distributed by Google Docs Internet platform and were collected from users of Facebook and “questionnaire board” and “education board” on BBS, during April 15 to May 10, 2013. The number of valid questionnaires is 1,313. Based on the data collected, this study used descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The criteria taken into account, specific physical condition taken into account and performance testing unit are varied in 11 exemption attendance areas, which included physical fitness in comparing the ranking while over quotas. The proportion of physical fitness score ranges from 6% to 20%. 2.Different demographic variables of residence, age, educational background, occupation, marital status and ethnicity have significant difference on cognition of status quo of 12-year compulsory education. However, there is no significant difference by gender. 3.Different demographic variables of residence, age, gender, educational background, occupation, marital status and ethnicity have significant difference on the cognition of including physical fitness in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education. 4.Different demographic variables of residence, age, educational background, occupation, marital status and ethnicity have significant difference on opinions about included physical fitness in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education. However, there is no significant difference by gender.
This study aimed to understand status quo for physical fitness included in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education in each exemption attendance area. Also, this study investigated and analyzed the cognition and perception about this issue from people in Taiwan. Self-developed questionnaire of “survey of cognition of physical fitness included in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education” was used as the research tool in this study. The questionnaires were distributed by Google Docs Internet platform and were collected from users of Facebook and “questionnaire board” and “education board” on BBS, during April 15 to May 10, 2013. The number of valid questionnaires is 1,313. Based on the data collected, this study used descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The criteria taken into account, specific physical condition taken into account and performance testing unit are varied in 11 exemption attendance areas, which included physical fitness in comparing the ranking while over quotas. The proportion of physical fitness score ranges from 6% to 20%. 2.Different demographic variables of residence, age, educational background, occupation, marital status and ethnicity have significant difference on cognition of status quo of 12-year compulsory education. However, there is no significant difference by gender. 3.Different demographic variables of residence, age, gender, educational background, occupation, marital status and ethnicity have significant difference on the cognition of including physical fitness in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education. 4.Different demographic variables of residence, age, educational background, occupation, marital status and ethnicity have significant difference on opinions about included physical fitness in comparing the ranking while over quotas in the 12-year compulsory education. However, there is no significant difference by gender.
十二年國教, 體適能, 超額比序, 免試就學區, 12-year compulsory education, physical fitness, comparing the ranking, exemption attendance area