
dc.description.abstract論文摘要 李石樵,1908年出生於台北新莊,於1995年逝世,享年88歲。經歷了日本殖民政府時期和體驗台灣社會和文化的轉變,是台灣美術運動史上資深的藝術家,他一生為藝術奮鬥不懈、勇於突破的精神,造就了其多采多姿、面貌多元的繪畫風格。 本論文主要在研究李石樵人物畫,以李石樵各個不同階段的人物畫作品研究其繪畫圖式,色彩、形式與技法的演變,並對其人物畫作品之風格、內涵意義及特質加以分析與歸納,期望能透過對於這個主題的整理研究而有更多心得,並能為喜愛李石樵先生人物繪畫的人們與鍾情於台灣早期西洋繪畫藝術的朋友們有所助益。 各章節內容簡述如下: 第一章 緒論:首先說明研究者選擇李石樵人物畫的表現作為研究對象之動機與目的,及李石樵的相關文獻探討,並運用歷史研究法、田野調查法、理論分析法、風格分析法、比較研究法,試圖了解李石樵人物畫的風格演變脈絡。第二章 李石樵生涯發展歷程:說明其時代背景及生平事蹟、藝術學習歷程、返台後之美術推展活動與創作、及退休後的藝術創作生活。第三章 探討李石樵的繪畫風格及演變:內容包括:1.早期寫實時期2.一九五0年代探索西洋現代畫法時期3.一九六0年代的「幾何抽象風格」4.一九七0年代的「月光系列」5.回歸寫實的晚期風格。第四章 探究李石樵人物畫題材與藝術形式:內容探討李石樵人物畫題材的選擇、藝術形式、材料技法與創作理念,最後舉出李石樵各時期的人物代表作做分析、研究。第五章 李石樵人物畫表現之特質:本章節說明李石樵人物畫表現的風格及其人物畫蘊含的特質,以及分析比較李石樵人物畫風格與同時代畫家之異同,接著討論李石樵人物群像畫的意涵、李石樵文化基金會及美術館成立之時代意義及其人物畫在美術史上的成就與貢獻。第六章 結論:最後綜合前述各項研究結果提出結論。以了解李石樵人物畫作品的繪畫圖示、色彩技巧、筆觸肌里…的特質,作為整理台灣第一代西畫家研究之參考。 綜合前面各章節所述,本研究提出下列結論: 1. 李石樵學習的歷程與當時大環境的變遷對其人物畫風格有決定性的影響;李石樵一生的繪畫風格是多變的,他對自我要求非嚴格,不斷求新求變以滿足自我的挑戰與創新。 2. 李石樵人物畫擅長色彩的運用,與具有平而薄的筆觸肌里,經常畫面上塑造獨特的畫面效果,並創造「將畫布當成調色盤」的畫法。 3. 李石樵是一位感性敏銳並富於理性的思考的畫家,其人物畫,從畫面分析、空間的安排、結構的處理、色彩的配置…各方面都非常嚴謹而認真。此外他在創作理念上亦有所突破:將畫面遠方空間強化,提高彩度和明度以增加其繪畫性和畫面的平衡。 4. 李石樵有親切的人情味,用其深厚的美術學院養成基礎來記錄生活;家人及周遭的人、事、都成為他人物畫作品題材的重點。 5. 李石樵創作的態度與藝術理念深深影響著其學生,在美術教育工作上扮演著橋樑的角色;對台灣美術發展而言,他從推動美術風氣、成立個人畫室、在晚年將作品悉數捐出,他可說是全心奉獻於社會的畫家;一代大師,留下無數經典名作,豐富了我們得心靈,耿介無私的崇高人格也為我們樹之了典範。 他的一生,猶如台灣美術運動史的縮影,其歷史意義遠勝於所有成就。一位畫家之所以受到肯定,除了作品上的功力,不輟的創作精神外,在學術上的成就,更是不可或缺的重要因素。李石樵的人物畫,在台灣美術史上扮演著重要的角色,綻放了璀燦的花朵。 關鍵字: 李石樵/人物畫/肖像畫/群像畫/裸女畫zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Li Shi-Chiao was born in Hsin Chuang, Taipei in 1908 and died in1995, at the age of 88. He was a senior artist in Taiwan’s art campaign history. In his lifetime, he went through Japanese colonial rule as well as experienced the changes between culture and society in Taiwan. He fought for art all his life. Being bold in making a breakthrough, he created a painting style with colorful and multiple appearances. The thesis mainly focuses on Mr. Li’s figure paintings. It is hoped that the research results can be useful for those who are deeply in love with Mr. Li’s paintings and early Western paintings by carefully studying the development in Mr. Li’s use of colors, art forms and techniques in different phases and by analyzing and inducing the style, connotation, and characteristics of his works. Brief introduction of each chapter are as follows: The first chapter, preface, explains the motive and the purpose why the researcher chooses Mr. Li’s figure paintings as a research subject as well as discusses the relevant documents. The researcher uses various approaches such as, historical research, field study, theory analytic, style analytic, and comparative research trying to interpret sequence of styles changed in Mr. Li’s works. The second chapter, an introduction of Mr. Li’s life, explains the historical background, important events, art- learning background, promotion of artistic activities in his return to Taiwan, and creations of artistic works after retirement. The third chapter, changes of painting styles in Mr. Li’s works, includes four periods: 1. The realistic style in early periods: 2. Exploring of the Western modern techniques in 1950s: 3. The abstract of geometric style in 1960s: 4. The Moonlight Series in1970s: 5. Return to the realistic style in late periods. The fourth chapter, Mr. Li’s figure- painting materials and art forms, discusses Mr. Li’s choices of figure- painting materials, art forms, techniques and creation beliefs. Eventually, making a carefully analysis of the important figures in different periods. The fifth chapter, the characteristics in Mr. Li’s figure paintings, explains the styles and connotation of his works and makes a comparison between his figure- painting styles and his contemporaries. Then it discusses the connotation in Mr. Li’s paintings of a group of figures, the significance of the establishment of Li Shih- Chiao cultural foundation and art gallery in his time, and the achievements and contribution of his figure paintings in the art history. The six chapter, conclusion, draws a conclusion by synthesizing all the results of study mentioned above, in order to fully understand the characteristics of Mr. Li’s painting illustrations, uses of colors, strokes, and so on. It is hoped that this collation can be useful references for further research on the first generation of Taiwanese painters in western paintings. Synthesizing all the results of study mentioned above, this article has come to the following conclusions: 1. Mr. Li’s art- learning background and the situation at that time had a decisive impact on his figure- painting styles. His painting styles varied in different periods. He had a high demand for himself; therefore, he constantly contented himself with varieties of changes and creativity. 2. Mr. Li was good at the use of colors. He used the flat and thin strokes to create a unique effect on the surface of drawing papers. He himself created an artistic technique—Mix Colors on the Drawing Papers. 3. Mr. Li was a sensitive, keen, and sensible painter. He was very serious and strict in every aspect in his figure paintings, such as the arrangements of structures, colors, space, and so on. Similarly, he made a breakthrough in his creation of works by strengthening the further space on the entire picture, and increasing the hues and brightness as to create a balance of the entire picture. 4. Mr. Li was a man of hospitality. He used his profound knowledge acquired from the artistic academic college to record life. His family members, people nearby, things around him were all important materials in his figure paintings. 5. Mr. Li’s attitudes toward art creation and his beliefs in art deeply influenced his students. He played a role as bridge in art education as well. As for the development of art in Taiwan, he devoted himself in promoting art and set up studios. He contributed all of his works to the government in his old age. He devoted himself to the society with all his heart in some respects. The great artist left numerous masterpieces to enrich our souls. His unselfish noble character makes him an ideal for us all. Mr. Li’s life was an epitome of Taiwan’s art campaign history. Its historical significance was superior to Mr. Li’s other achievements. The great performance in his art works, his continuously artistic creations, and his excellence academic performance won him great admiration and reputation. Mr. Li’s figure paintings played an important role in Taiwan’s art history. Keywords:Li Shih-Chao/ figure painting/ portraiture/ painting of a group of figures/ naked woman paintingen_US

