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本計畫名稱為:「尋找賽先生的爸爸:儒勒‧凡爾納的科學小說晚清譯本研 究」。計畫旨在探討凡爾納的晚清譯本特色,以瞭解晚清翻譯小說家如何將“科 學"與“小說"結合。知識的傳遞與接受不是一蹴而就的,表面上呈現的可能是 排斥,但表面下往往是一點一滴的滲透。晚清西方科學小說的傳入及流行也是 如此。本研究計畫將從讀者較為熟悉的作者梁啟超與魯迅所翻譯凡爾納的三部作 品著手再拓展至讀者們較不熟悉的其他文本,希望能夠對晚清凡爾納的翻譯作品 作一全面性的比較與分析。筆者將嘗試回答以下問題:凡爾納的晚清科學小說 譯本具有何種面貌?與英譯本有何不同?西方科學小說話語如何在晚清讀者群 中形成、晚清文人和翻譯者,報刊雜誌又如何參與製造?翻譯者如何在科學小說 中取得「科學─小說」的平衡? 此課題的研究重要性有三:一為彌補研究晚清小說領域中關於翻譯科學小說 之闕如。第二,突顯凡爾納的晚清譯本與原著意義的偏離,以及這種偏離所具的 思想史意義。第三,接續晚清小說的研究成果,使對近代小說的發展,有一較全 面性的認識。本計畫成果將以英文撰寫。
In this project, I will do a comparative study of at least ten late Qing translations of Jules Verne’s science fiction novels. These science fiction novels include Around the World in Eighty Days (1873), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), From Earth to the Moon (1865), A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), The Begum’s Millions (1879), three renditions of Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863), Michael Strogoff (1876) and The Mysterious Island (1874). I will analyze how late Qing translators manipulated these texts, used narrative techniques of traditional Chinese fiction that late Qing readers were familiar with to introduce Western thought. I will try to answer the following questions: What are the differences between Verne’s original works and Chinese translations? How did late Qing translators balance science and fiction in these translations? How did late Qing translators, readers, and publishing companies jointly participate in the creation of a Chinese science fiction discourse? The contribution of this project includes the following: first, it will redress the weakness of translation study in the current research of late Qing fiction study. Second, by comparing and contrasting Verne’s English and Chinese translations, it will show how greatly and deliberately late Qing translated novels are distorted and manipulated by late Qing translators. And thirdly, it will contribute to having a more comprehensive understanding of late Qing fiction. The research paper will be written in English.
In this project, I will do a comparative study of at least ten late Qing translations of Jules Verne’s science fiction novels. These science fiction novels include Around the World in Eighty Days (1873), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), From Earth to the Moon (1865), A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), The Begum’s Millions (1879), three renditions of Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863), Michael Strogoff (1876) and The Mysterious Island (1874). I will analyze how late Qing translators manipulated these texts, used narrative techniques of traditional Chinese fiction that late Qing readers were familiar with to introduce Western thought. I will try to answer the following questions: What are the differences between Verne’s original works and Chinese translations? How did late Qing translators balance science and fiction in these translations? How did late Qing translators, readers, and publishing companies jointly participate in the creation of a Chinese science fiction discourse? The contribution of this project includes the following: first, it will redress the weakness of translation study in the current research of late Qing fiction study. Second, by comparing and contrasting Verne’s English and Chinese translations, it will show how greatly and deliberately late Qing translated novels are distorted and manipulated by late Qing translators. And thirdly, it will contribute to having a more comprehensive understanding of late Qing fiction. The research paper will be written in English.