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根據過往研究指出,色彩具有傳達訊息的功能,甚至比文字更容易記憶。城市的色彩意象,多為大眾透過風景、建築、飲食、文化、特產等日常生活所及之事物,再經由學習和經驗,進而產生之色彩連結。因此,城市的色彩意象能表達城市的獨特性及內涵,其所帶來的後續相關應用也更為重要。但目前建立城市色彩意象的方法,多半來自實地田野調查,而後進行校色對比,或是請該城市的居民參與和建構實際之專案,過程中欠缺了自動化的概念。本研究旨在以資料探勘技術分析大眾與城市色彩意象之連結,並將考察及分析過程自動化,研究所產出之結果,可提供於設計及其相關應用做為參考。 本研究以交通部觀光局所選出十大觀光小鎮為主要研究對象,並以日本色彩學家小林重順(Shigenobu Kobayashi)於Color Image Scale中,所提出的城市形容詞作為關鍵字,分別以Word to vector和Google關鍵字搜尋兩種方式,找出城市和形容詞之關聯性,在進行交叉比對作為資料探勘技術的關鍵字以建立城市樣本圖片集,而後以Color-Thief取出顏色並且輔以Color Image Scale作為顏色校正之依據,進而取得自動化色彩組合之結果。研究結果顯示,具有特定特色景點或特產的城市,搭配關鍵形容詞,其城市色彩組合之意象會特別明顯,自動化色彩組合之結果亦符合大眾之滿意程度。
Some researches have pointed out that the colors have the function of conveying messages and is even easier than words to be memorized. The color image of a city, which means people connect with color through knowledge acquired and their life experiences. It includes landscapes, buildings, food, the city culture, local specialties and so on. Thus, building up the distinctive style of a city is an important part of the city image and its related applications. Nowadays, people mostly use three different applications in order to set up and correct the city color tickets. First, field research; second, residents participate in the comprehensive community development; third, particular projects. In this paper, we use data mining to analyze the connecting between people and the city color image. At the beginning, we select ten cities of Taiwan, which were elected by Taiwan Tourism Bureau as our research object. Secondly, we use Word to vector and Google searching engine to find the relevance between the city and adjectives. For the third step, the highest connection of adjective will be the keyword of Google searching engine to collect the pictures by doing cross-comparison of the results. Last but not least, we capture ten colors from city pictures and result in city color combinations. According to the result of this paper, although it needs to adjust in accordance with local culture, we still can find the regional pictures that correspond with the characteristics and also can obtain the city color combinations, which can be used as a reference of harmonious colors.



資料探勘技術, 色彩意象, 城市色彩, Data Mining, Color Image, City Color





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