補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---心理適應與心理衛生( I )
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本計畫擬針對「心理適應與心理衛生」領域中的「靈性與諮商心理」為圖書典藏之主 題,分兩年期購置有關之圖書及資訊材料,以充實本校此類訊息之館藏。自二十世紀 末,國際上心理諮商研究與實務工作者開始紛紛探討人的靈性層面及其與心理適應、 心理衛生與心理健康、心理諮商工作之間的關係。西方諮商心理學界在近二十年來, 積極開始探討與論述各種融入靈性觀點的心理學與心理諮商的整合觀點,也將靈性與 宗教方法融入在諮商實務工作中、並且探討對案主靈性層面工作的諮商人員能力訓練 及諮商倫理等議題。台灣心理諮商界需要重視這個新興重要主題,成為二十一世紀台 灣社會心理諮商學門的研究重點,這也是台灣師大心輔系可領先發展的重要方向之 一。本圖書典藏計畫將分兩年以美國Fuller 神學院McAlister Library「靈性與神學」 主題館藏為藍本,依據「最新書籍漸次於經典舊作」為主要原則,充實「靈性與心理 諮商」相關論題以及其整合的圖書資訊,使得台灣師大圖書館有機會成為這一新興領 域的國內藏書重鎮。
This proposal focuses on 「Spirituality and Counseling Psychology」 within the area of 「Psychological Adjustment and Psychological Health」 as the theme for building library resources. The proposed project involves two phases when relevant literature and information materials will be acquired towards strengthening our institution』s library resources in this area. Towards the end of the 20th century, researchers and practitioners in international counseling psychology have begun to examine the spiritual dimension and its relationship with people』s psychological adjustment, psychological health, psychological counseling. In the last 20 years, counseling psychology profession in the West has proposed and examined various models that integrate spirituality with psychology and counseling. How the integrative approach can be applied in practice, and what competence and ethical awareness counselors need to develop when working with spiritual/religious clients are also critical topics. It is necessary for the professions of Psychology and Counseling in Taiwan to give utmost attention and consider this new and evolving topic a research focus in the counseling psychology profession for the 21st-century Taiwan. This is a significant direction that the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling at The National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) could pioneer the development. This library resource proposal will involve two phases. Resource materials will be acquired using the 「Spirituality and Psychology Integration Library」 in the Fuller Theological Seminary McAlister Library as the resource blueprint. Reference resources to be acquired will be listed according to the dates of publications (i.e., chronologically with recent publications listed first along with other classics in the field). This proposal aims at building and strengthening the library resources in and related to 「Spirituality and Psychological Counseling」 so that the NTNU library could become the resource mainstay of this new and evolving topic in Taiwan.
This proposal focuses on 「Spirituality and Counseling Psychology」 within the area of 「Psychological Adjustment and Psychological Health」 as the theme for building library resources. The proposed project involves two phases when relevant literature and information materials will be acquired towards strengthening our institution』s library resources in this area. Towards the end of the 20th century, researchers and practitioners in international counseling psychology have begun to examine the spiritual dimension and its relationship with people』s psychological adjustment, psychological health, psychological counseling. In the last 20 years, counseling psychology profession in the West has proposed and examined various models that integrate spirituality with psychology and counseling. How the integrative approach can be applied in practice, and what competence and ethical awareness counselors need to develop when working with spiritual/religious clients are also critical topics. It is necessary for the professions of Psychology and Counseling in Taiwan to give utmost attention and consider this new and evolving topic a research focus in the counseling psychology profession for the 21st-century Taiwan. This is a significant direction that the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling at The National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) could pioneer the development. This library resource proposal will involve two phases. Resource materials will be acquired using the 「Spirituality and Psychology Integration Library」 in the Fuller Theological Seminary McAlister Library as the resource blueprint. Reference resources to be acquired will be listed according to the dates of publications (i.e., chronologically with recent publications listed first along with other classics in the field). This proposal aims at building and strengthening the library resources in and related to 「Spirituality and Psychological Counseling」 so that the NTNU library could become the resource mainstay of this new and evolving topic in Taiwan.