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手機的普及使得人類彼此的聯絡與通訊更為方便快速,但手機市場卻呈現飽合的現象,而智慧型手機以豐富多元的個人化內容服務又開啓另一個時代潮流。智慧型手機提供瀏覽網路、讀取郵件、下載軟體等相關服務創新功能,再創手機相關產業之榮景。在服務創新的服務提供下,亦有助於顧客滿意度及購買意願之提升。此外,品牌形象一直是各個產業亟欲成功塑造的目標,諸多手機產業之文獻研究結果也顯示,消費者購買意願與品牌形象息息相關。因此,本研究旨在探討智慧型手機服務創新、品牌形象對消費者購買意願及顧客滿意度之影響。 本研究以量化統計方式做為研究方法,問卷填答者必需先確定符合持有智慧型手機並擁有無線上網之使用者,並以前四名智慧型手機品牌之比重進行抽樣,問卷內容共有服務創新、品牌形象、購買意願、顧客滿意度及人口統計變項共五個部分,合計發放正式問卷657份,網路問卷212份,現地發放445份,共回收623份問卷,有效問卷為391份,無效問卷為232份,有效回收率為62.8%。 分析結果可以發現,智慧型手機使用者大部分為未婚狀況的年輕族群,多是擁有大學以上學歷,收入則多是在20000元~60000元之間,對於智慧型手機偏愛Apple及HTC的品牌,但使用經驗多是在2年以下。在學歷方面,學歷較高重者服務創新概念,,學歷較低者重服務創新的實用。在收入方面,高收入族群對於顧客滿意特別重視作業及服務構面。在品牌方面,Apple擁有較高的忠誠度,及完整的品牌形象。 同時,服務創新乃企業組織因改善服務以及因應顧客不同的多樣化需求所作之回應,因此,服務創新愈滿足顧客不同需求,對「顧客滿意度」及「購買意願」愈有正向影響。另外,持有智慧型手機所代表的意義可能是個人對於品味的選擇,社交生活的共鳴或是流行的追求,因此智慧型手機品牌形象便成為相當重要的選擇指標。最後,手機的品牌形象可做為提示消費者藉所持有產品的品質、特性、價值對於「顧客滿意度」及「購買意願」也有顯著影響。 最後,對於現行之智慧型手機品牌廠商建議,首先,可以積極尋找智慧型手機象徵性品牌形象差異,市場上對於智慧型手機的定價似乎相當侷限,受到既定廠商的影響,而將手機定位於時尚與科技,建議手機品牌業者以顧客的需求重新介定本身手機的市場定位,來與其它品牌進行競爭。其次,持續開發智慧型手機新穎功能及操作功能,來進一步滿足使用者的需求。最後,提供高收入族群差異化服務,目前智慧型手機使用者多是以年輕族群為主,但高收入者卻有強勁消費能力,可深入了解消費者對於智慧型手機需求提供相關之創新服務及內容。
The mobile phone makes the contact and communication easier for us, however through the recent years, the mobile phone market becomes saturated until the smart phone with a variety of personalized service is introduced to the market and brings a new trend to all over the world. Through smart phone, you can browse internet, check email, download software and so on. The innovation service increases customers’ satisfaction and the intention of purchasing a smart phone. Moreover, the brand image of smart phone also affect the purchase intention of customer according to the literature review. This research aims to discuss the effect of service innovation and brand image of smart phone on purchase intention and customer satisfaction The research applied quantitative method by using questionnaire and choose top four smart phone brands to do the sampling. The questionnaire was consisted of five parts – service innovation, brand image, purchase intention, customer satisfaction and population statistics. Total 657 questionnaires have been sent out and collected 391 valid questionnaires back, and the valid receiving rate is 62.8%. According to the result, the single young people, who graduated from university and above, with monthly income NT 20,000 to 60,000, are the major part of smart phone users and prefer Apple and HTC. Furthermore, higher educational users focus on the new concept of service innovation, however lower educational users care more about the practicability of service innovation. The Apple users have higher loyalty and the brand delivers a strong and clear image. The research shows service innovation has positive effect on customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Besides, the smart phone, in a manner, represents personal taste, social life and fashion sensitivity of a person. So the brand image of the smart phone, which delivers quality, feature and value, will also affect the customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Finally, the research provides three suggestions for smart phone companies. First, find the differentiation and niche market for your own brand. Second, continue to develop innovated functions to satisfy user demand. Third, provide personal or customized service for high-end users.



智慧型手機, 服務創新, 品牌形象, 購買意願, 顧客滿意度, smart phone, service innovation, brand image, purchase intention, customer satisfaction





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