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参、 分析不同專長的教師在社會學習領域課程統整教學初年及現在,因應壓力的轉變過程。
肆、 瞭解社會學習領域課程統整教學的教師,對課程統整教學的心得、建議與展望。
壹、 課程統整教學動力過程。
一、 課程統整意願決定於教師個人理念及態度,受個人背景變項影響較小。
二、 統整教學知能的來源及增進管道,較專長科目的教學專業知能來源少。
三、 傳統的教學評量方式,不符合九年一貫多元評量的要求。
四、 班級經營為教師選擇課程統整教學的主要考量。
貳、 課程統整教學對九年一貫課程統整精神之落實。
一、 三位不同專長的課程統整教學教師,對「統整」的觀念均不足。
二、 三位教師在課程的統整程度上,僅達「多科並列」程度。
三、 公民科教師進行課程統整教學時,在批判思考與情意能力培養方面,融入教學的頻率、深度,高於史、地科教師。
四、 面對學生超出範圍且當下不會回答的非專長科目問題,「坦承不清楚、需要再查資料」是共同作法。
參、 教師課程統整教學的壓力與因應。
一、 課程統整教學初年都有備課壓力,但不一定是主壓力源。
二、 課程統整經驗的增加會降低壓力感受度。
肆、 教師課程統整教學的心得、建議與展望。
一、 三位教師皆自課程統整過程中獲得「自我成長」。
二、 課程統整經驗使教師們的教學,更能有效融入他科知識、多元舉例。
三、 「增加授課時數,回歸分科專業」是課程統整教師的共同想法。
四、 「做好師資培育、在職進修」是課程統整教學教師的共同期盼。
A Quality Research of Junior High School Social Studies Learning Areas Curriculum Integration Spirit Practice----- the Examples by Taichung City Three Interdisciplinary Teaching Teacher Abstract This research aims to discuss the curriculum integration process of Social Studies Learning Areas teachers in junior high school. With document analytic method, inspection method, and in-depth interview, the research analyzes three Social Studies Learning Areas teachers with different specialty in Taichng City. This research will keep on with the spirit of the grounded theory until every category of the acquisition of information and research analysis reaches “saturation”. The goals of the research are as follows: 1. To realize the curriculum integration teaching process of Social Studies Learning Areas teachers with different specialty. 2. To discuss how the Social Studies Learning Areas teachers carry out the integration spirit of Grade 1~9 Curriculum when teaching. 3. To analyze how the Social Studies Learning Areas teachers with different specialty deal with the process of pressure transformation from the very beginning to the present time when teaching. 4. To realize the Social Studies Learning Areas teachers’ attainment and suggestions of curriculum integration teaching. The research adopted the way of sampling to start the research in the late September of 2005 and end up in January of 2006. Meanwhile, the collection and analysis of the information were conducted. By triangulation, document analysis, observing and thinking about the journals, the reliability of quality research is obtained. Finally, accord to the results and findings of this research, the following conclusions are gained: 1. The curriculum integration teaching process. A. The attempt of curriculum integration depends on teacher’s personal attitude, and is irrelevant with personal background. B. The resources of curriculum integration teaching knowledge are much fewer thanthose of professional subject. C. The traditional evaluation doesn’t meat the multi-dimensional evaluation need of Grade 1~9 Curriculum. D. The main consideration of choosing curriculum integration teaching is class managements. 2. How the curriculum integration teaching fulfills the curriculum integration spirit of Grade 1~9 Curriculum. A. The three teachers with different specialty have insufficient knowledge about “integration”. B. The three teachers only reach the extent of “multidisciplinary “when Curriculum integration teaching is conducted. C. The Citizen teacher develops more critical thinking and coordinating abiding than History& Geography teachers when teaching. D. When students ask non-specialty or surpassing questions, the three teachers will acknowledge that they are unable to answer and have to loop up some information in common. 3. The pressure and countermeasure of curriculum Integration teaching. A. The three teachers had the pressure of preparing the curriculum at first, but that’s not necessarily the main pressure source. B. The more curriculum integration teaching experiences they get, the lesspressure they take. 4. The attainment, suggestions, and expectance of curriculum integration teachers. A. The 3 of them all abstain “the self-growth” in the process of curriculum integration. B. The curriculum integration teaching experiences make it easier for them to integrate the knowledge of other subjects and to give more multi-dimensional examples. C. Increasing teaching hours and returning back to separate-subject teaching are curriculum integration teachers’ common thoughts. D. Better teachers’ development and in-service training are curriculum integration teachers’ common expectance. This research also makes proposal to education Institution, teachers’ teaching and the following researches according to the above research conclusions.
A Quality Research of Junior High School Social Studies Learning Areas Curriculum Integration Spirit Practice----- the Examples by Taichung City Three Interdisciplinary Teaching Teacher Abstract This research aims to discuss the curriculum integration process of Social Studies Learning Areas teachers in junior high school. With document analytic method, inspection method, and in-depth interview, the research analyzes three Social Studies Learning Areas teachers with different specialty in Taichng City. This research will keep on with the spirit of the grounded theory until every category of the acquisition of information and research analysis reaches “saturation”. The goals of the research are as follows: 1. To realize the curriculum integration teaching process of Social Studies Learning Areas teachers with different specialty. 2. To discuss how the Social Studies Learning Areas teachers carry out the integration spirit of Grade 1~9 Curriculum when teaching. 3. To analyze how the Social Studies Learning Areas teachers with different specialty deal with the process of pressure transformation from the very beginning to the present time when teaching. 4. To realize the Social Studies Learning Areas teachers’ attainment and suggestions of curriculum integration teaching. The research adopted the way of sampling to start the research in the late September of 2005 and end up in January of 2006. Meanwhile, the collection and analysis of the information were conducted. By triangulation, document analysis, observing and thinking about the journals, the reliability of quality research is obtained. Finally, accord to the results and findings of this research, the following conclusions are gained: 1. The curriculum integration teaching process. A. The attempt of curriculum integration depends on teacher’s personal attitude, and is irrelevant with personal background. B. The resources of curriculum integration teaching knowledge are much fewer thanthose of professional subject. C. The traditional evaluation doesn’t meat the multi-dimensional evaluation need of Grade 1~9 Curriculum. D. The main consideration of choosing curriculum integration teaching is class managements. 2. How the curriculum integration teaching fulfills the curriculum integration spirit of Grade 1~9 Curriculum. A. The three teachers with different specialty have insufficient knowledge about “integration”. B. The three teachers only reach the extent of “multidisciplinary “when Curriculum integration teaching is conducted. C. The Citizen teacher develops more critical thinking and coordinating abiding than History& Geography teachers when teaching. D. When students ask non-specialty or surpassing questions, the three teachers will acknowledge that they are unable to answer and have to loop up some information in common. 3. The pressure and countermeasure of curriculum Integration teaching. A. The three teachers had the pressure of preparing the curriculum at first, but that’s not necessarily the main pressure source. B. The more curriculum integration teaching experiences they get, the lesspressure they take. 4. The attainment, suggestions, and expectance of curriculum integration teachers. A. The 3 of them all abstain “the self-growth” in the process of curriculum integration. B. The curriculum integration teaching experiences make it easier for them to integrate the knowledge of other subjects and to give more multi-dimensional examples. C. Increasing teaching hours and returning back to separate-subject teaching are curriculum integration teachers’ common thoughts. D. Better teachers’ development and in-service training are curriculum integration teachers’ common expectance. This research also makes proposal to education Institution, teachers’ teaching and the following researches according to the above research conclusions.
國民中學社會學習領域, 課程統整, 合科教學, Curriculum Integration, Social Studies Learning Areas of junior high school, Interdisciplinary Teaching