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本研究旨在探討中等學校已婚女教師之工作壓力、家務壓力與婚姻滿意度的關係,進一步探討其差異情形,進而瞭解不同背景變項之中等學校已婚女教師,工作壓力、家務壓力對婚姻滿意度之預測力。 本研究採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,研究工具包括「個人基本資料調查表」、「工作壓力量表」、「家務壓力量表」、「婚姻滿意度量表」,研究對象為任教於台北縣市、桃園縣、新竹縣市各國中及公私立高中、職日間部各科的已婚女教師。 本研究採方便樣本配額方式取樣,共回收有效問卷841份,以spss for windows(10.0)進行資料分析,以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元迴歸進行統計考驗,研究結果顯示: 一、中等學校已婚女教師整體的工作壓力並不大,介於很少感到壓力與偶爾感到壓力之間,而在工作與家庭衝突面向則是偶爾感到壓力。年齡在36-45歲之間者、有一個子女者、最小子女18歲以下者、結婚 10年內者、兼任導師工作者有較大的工作壓力。 二、中等學校已婚女教師的家務壓力並不大,對家務工作的壓力介於很少感到壓力與偶爾感到壓力之間。年齡在36-45歲之間者、有子女者、最小子女在7-18歲(求學中)者、結婚11-20年者家務壓力較大。 三、中等學校已婚女教師對婚姻感到滿意。年齡在27-35歲之間者、沒有或尚無子女者、配偶為專業人員、民意代表、行政主管、企業主管及經理人員者婚姻滿意度較高。 四、中等學校已婚女教師的工作壓力愈大時家務壓力愈大。 五、中等學校已婚女教師的工作壓力愈大時婚姻滿意度愈低。 六、中等學校已婚女教師的家務壓力愈大時婚姻滿意度愈低。 七、工作壓力較大之已婚女教師,家務壓力也較大,且有較低之婚姻滿意度。 八、配偶職業、家務壓力對婚姻滿意度有預測力。配偶職業為技術工與非技術工者婚姻滿意度最低;而家務壓力愈大者,婚姻滿意度亦愈低。 建議將來研究對象可擴及初等教育及高等教育教師,也可以將公、私立學校教師作一比較。研究工具除了問卷之外,若再加入深度訪談,研究結果將更甄完善。
The study aims to examine the correlation of secondary school married female teachers’ work stress, housework stress and marital satisfaction. The differences among variables mentioned above are also investigated to understand the predictability of these variables toward secondary school married female teachers with different background variables. The study conducts data gathering using the questionnaire survey method. The research tools include an “demographic information”, “working stress scale”, “housework stress scale”, and “marital satisfaction scale”. The subjects are married female teachers at the daytime program of public and private high schools and vocational schools across Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, and Hsinchu County. There are 841 valid samples, and SPSS windows (10.0) is used to analyze the data. One-way ANOVA, T-test, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Models are used, and the results are as follows: 1. Secondary school married female teachers’ overall work stress falls somewhere between rarely feeling pressured and somewhat feeling pressured, and who tend to report occasionally feeling pressured when it comes to conflict between work and family. Those who fall between the ages of 36 – 45, with one child, with the youngest child under the age of 18, married under 10 years, and work as a homeroom teacher, are found with a higher level of work stress. 2. Secondary school married female teachers’ housework stress falls somewhere between rarely feeling under pressure to occasionally feeling pressured. Those ages between 36 and 45, with offspring, with youngest child aged between 7 – 18 (schooling age), and having been married between 11 – 20 years are found with a higher level of housework stress. 3. Secondary school married female teachers feel satisfied toward their marriage. Those ages between 27 and 35, with no children, and whose spouse being professional, people’s representative, the top administrator, business executive and manager are found with a higher level of marital satisfaction. 4. The higher the work stress of secondary school married female teachers, the higher their housework pressure would become. 5. The higher the work stress of secondary school married female teachers, the lower their marital satisfaction would become. 6. The higher the housework stress of secondary school married female teachers, the lower their marital satisfaction would become. 7. Married female teachers with a higher level of work stress also tend to have a higher level of housework stress versus a relatively lower level of marital satisfaction. 8. Spouse occupation and housework stress are good predictors of marital satisfaction. Those with spouse occupation as skilled workers and non-skilled workers are found with the lowest marital satisfaction, and those under higher housework stress also tend to have lower marital satisfaction. It is recommended that the subjects can further include elementary and higher educational teachers in future studies. Comparisons also can be done between public and private schools teachers. As to the research tools, in addition to the questionnaire, interview can also be conducted to make the result more complete.



中等學校, 已婚女教師, 工作壓力, 家務壓力, 婚姻滿意度, secondary school, married female teachers, work stress, housework stress, marital satisfaction





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