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  本文以華裔學習者為對象探討文化繪本教學,根據學習者特質條列適當繪本教材清單,以Six T’s Approach分析文化繪本內容,再利用Moran(2004)體驗式學習循環模式設計教學,並於台灣北部某大學夏令營執行兩次教學,教學時間一次三小時,共計六小時。繪本的選擇分三層次進行,首先按學者專家建議,過濾2000年後發行的優質文化繪本;再參照華裔學習者編寫教材原則,篩選適用教學的文化繪本教材;最後以TOCFL華語詞彙通斷詞系統和宋曜廷(2012)開發的文本可讀性指標自動化分析系統提供的數據,做為繪本文本難易程度的參考。除以科學精神分析繪本難易程度,筆者另按Six T’s Approach逐一分析繪本主題、子話題、思緒及過度遷移,使該研究兼顧質性分析與量化分析。此外,透過半結構訪談獲取8位資深教師的教學經驗,藉此調整教材的選擇與教案設計。根據問卷調查與訪談結果蒐集受試者學習經驗,一致肯定文化繪本教學的趣味性;紙本、操作、對話等多元活動評量成果亦顯示學習者吸收相關文化內容。   統整研究結果,發現市售文化繪本甚多、主題龐雜,以華裔學習者為例,教師宜選擇具以下特質繪本:1.語言文字精鍊,富饒童趣但不流於幼稚。2.故事性強,情節預留伏筆。3.知識性足,內容除知識文化亦包含交際文化。4.圖片動感,能呈現文章概要,且能表現作者所欲傳遞的訊息及意念。5.圖文相互配合,閱讀時能有尋找與發現的樂趣。文化繪本教學設計發展要點如下:1.以學習者為主體,教師扮演引導的角色。2.善用繪本圖文引導學習者發現華人文化特色。3.內容兼具知識文化、行為文化、精神文化等面向。4.善加發揮目的語國家優勢,安排參訪、體驗、實作等機會。
The purpose of the research aims at exploring the mode of teaching based on picture books for those ethnic Chinese learners. The Six T’s Approach is applied to analyze the content of the picture books, which were chosen based on the level of the learners, and resorted to Moran(2004) “Perspectives in Practice” to design the teaching plan. Two teaching programs, which took three hours respectively, were held during a summer camp of a university located on the north part of Taiwan. There are three phases of the process to select the picture books. First, according to advices given by experts, I looked over well quality picture books published after 2000, sorted out appropriate copies referring to principles that professionals recommend, and took the TOCFL system and the data offered by the analyzing system as a reference to identify the level of the copies. Apart from the scientific analysis of the level, I followed the Six T’s Approach to analyze the theme, topic, thread and transition respectively to maintain both the qualitative and quantitative analysis. In addition, the teaching experience of 8 senior teachers were acquired through semi-structured interview to adjust the selection of picture books and the teaching plan. A positive response can be seen according to the paper feedback, oral interview of the participants as well as in the results taken from the paper examination, in-class exercise, and conversation. From the research, we can find the abundant supply of picture books with various topics. Here are my bullet points of good-quality picture books suitable for those ethnic Chinese learners: 1. Smart use of the words. But not too childish. 2.Well-structured story with some foreshadowing. 3.Knowledgeable and interactive characteristic. 4.Vivid illustration related to the story and present the messages the authors want to convey. 5. The relation between the illustration and context According to the research, here are my key points in terms of teaching through picture books: 1.Put the learners as main characters in the process, lecturers as guides. 2.Guide the learners to discover the culture features from the illustrations and stories. 3.The teaching plan is supposed to be include the culture of knowledge background, behavioral tendency and the spiritual life. 4.Arrange activities to let learners have more opportunities to experience the culture of the target language.



繪本教學, 華人文化教學, 教學設計, Chinese culture teaching, picture books teaching, instructional design





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