信念 & 表象-葉裕如繪畫創作研究

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十九世紀工業革命以來至近代科技快速發展,在這邁向二十一世紀社會快速變動,各種人文思潮日月翻新,但人的心靈卻扔然得不到充實,反而更加空虛不安。本論文以觀者的角度透過心理學的思維探討心靈深處的「信念」。 第一章為「緒論」,說明本論文之研究動機、目的、方法、步驟及研究範圍與名詞釋義。 第二章為「創作思想及理論基礎」,將個人成長背景、學習經驗、主觀想法與偏好,轉化至創作之中;用象徵主義、漩渦的意義、梵谷的漩渦筆觸等理論精神和思想運用在「信念&表象」創作中。 第三章為「信念的探討」,以正向心裡的角度來探討人們面臨生命難題時的信念,完全相信自己認定的想法,無論這個信念是如何難以達成,皆無懷疑,永不放棄的堅持去執行。 第四章為「創作內容、形式、技法與媒材」,說明筆者創作模式及歷程,並將創作分為三系列:一、民間信仰;二、掙脫束縛;三、自我實現。 第五章為「作品說明」,說明筆者每幅創作作品之出發點及思考緣由,透過各種不同角度之外顯「表象」來描繪筆者心目中的「信念」本質思考。 「結論」,筆者希望藉由不同主題所呈現的「表象」這個多面向的創作內容,讓觀者能夠用不同的角度思考重新面對自己、傾聽自己內心的聲音,並辨識它的真實與虛幻,這也就是筆者在創作中所要表達的理念。
Ever since the industrial revolution in 19th century, science and technology have been developed dramatically. The society is changed rapidly in modern time. The human mind is not only enriched, but also more vacant. The aim of the thesis is to explore the “Belief” of soul based on the psychology by art. Chapter 1 is “Introduction”, including the purpose, methods, steps and a glossary. Chapter 2 is "Creative Thinking and Theoretical Foundation". The creation mixes with growth background, learning experiences, subjective thoughts and preferences. The author uses the idea or mind of Symbolism, the meaning of vortex and Van Gogh’s vortex brush in the creation of “Belief and Representation” Chapter 3 is “Exploration of Positive Faith”, which is to discuss the belief by using the “Belief ” on mind when people face the problem of life. Believe in the idea they believe no matter how difficult the belief is achieved. And never give up. Chapter 4 is “ Creation, Form, Technique and Media”, which shows the author’s creation model and process, dividing the creation into three parts: ”folk beliefs, release and self-fulfillment. Chapter 5 is “Description of Works”, which explains the starting point and reason of the author’s works, and describes the “Positive Mind” of thinking in the author’s mind through the representation of different angles. In conclusion, the author wants to show the representation of different works to let viewersre-face themselves by using positive mind, listen to their inner voice and identify true or unreal.



信念, 表象, 相信, 漩渦, Belief, Representation, Believe, Vortex





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