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台灣的漫畫博覽會開始舉辦於西元1995 年,至今已舉辦有十四個年頭,她是台灣年輕一代ACG 迷的共同經歷;對研究者來說,也曾經多次參與漫畫博覽會,也有著許的的回憶,這樣一個重大的ACG 活動,在台灣的ACG 領域佔有何種地位呢?
本研究在第二章文獻探討的部份,從「迷」、「御宅」、台灣的漫畫歷史,來討論動漫畫在台灣給人的印象; 以訪談的方式,訪問曾經多次參與漫畫博覽會的ACG 迷,從他們的經驗找出漫畫博覽會的特色,從第三章開始進行訪談工作的準備,以及田野資料的收集。
The study is primarily concerned with the comic exhibition in Taiwan, and present a valuable analysis. The first comic exhibition in Taiwan started at 1995. The fourteen years of history provide a lot of priceless experiences and memories for all the ACG (Animation + Comic + Game) fans in Taiwan. What factor have led to the overwhelming popularity of the comic exhibition in Taiwan? The study not only present valuable new information but also present it in a very clear and coherent manner. The second chapter of this thesis is to discuss the history of Taiwan comic history, comic fan society, and related sub-culture phenomenon. With first hand interview data, the thesis finds out the specialized of Taiwan comic exhibition. The methodology of this thesis is interview analysis. The third chapter describes the methodology and procedures for the collection data on the history of related activities. The results for the various analyses are presented following each of these descriptive sections from visitors’’ interviews. Finally, conclusions are presented and suggestions are made for further research.
The study is primarily concerned with the comic exhibition in Taiwan, and present a valuable analysis. The first comic exhibition in Taiwan started at 1995. The fourteen years of history provide a lot of priceless experiences and memories for all the ACG (Animation + Comic + Game) fans in Taiwan. What factor have led to the overwhelming popularity of the comic exhibition in Taiwan? The study not only present valuable new information but also present it in a very clear and coherent manner. The second chapter of this thesis is to discuss the history of Taiwan comic history, comic fan society, and related sub-culture phenomenon. With first hand interview data, the thesis finds out the specialized of Taiwan comic exhibition. The methodology of this thesis is interview analysis. The third chapter describes the methodology and procedures for the collection data on the history of related activities. The results for the various analyses are presented following each of these descriptive sections from visitors’’ interviews. Finally, conclusions are presented and suggestions are made for further research.
漫畫博覽會, 漫畫, ACG, 御宅族, Comic Exhibition, comic, ACG, otaku