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本研究採用自我民族誌的方法來撰寫,以作者之甜點品牌「索菲烤布蕾」為故事主軸,索菲從學校的創業競賽獲獎後,開始籌備創業,接著以行動三輪車販售甜點,到開設三間店面的心路歷程,將創業經驗描述與分析,探討女性創業衍生出的問題與意識。文中以「自我」為主位視角來進行描述,藉由自我敘說的方式,結合資料 (包含過往回憶、照片、聊天對話記錄、粉絲專頁貼文、新聞媒體報導得獎紀錄等細節);再以半結構式深度訪談法來訪談索菲創業前、創業中所接觸的關鍵人物,以「客位」角度闡述相關的創業故事。以主位及客位不同的面相,相互交流及反思,進而挖掘我創業故事的細節,理論化女性創業背後的關鍵核心問題,來詮釋女性創業與當今社會的連結。研究結果如下,一、女性創業在當今社會之困難為:時間、生理 (力氣與體力)、傳統刻板印象 (家庭、生育、信任度、能力)、抗壓性、行業類別受限。二、女性創業可以持續下去的脈絡與條件包含了:擇我所愛、創業的核心價值與使命、行動力與積極、正向與感恩、家人與朋友們的支持。三、女性創業關鍵成功因素分類為外在成功因素、內在成功因素及品牌執行方式,其中包括了做事方式、個性、形象等條件。四、創業對女性的意義與影響為:自信、勤勞、沉穩、成熟、做事更加系統化。本研究探討出「索菲烤布蕾」創業過程在自我與他人間的不同觀點,期望可以透過本研究,讓更多人可以由索菲烤布蕾創業過程之「隨創」與「自我決定」相輔相成的交互影響,再轉化為自己的觀點,反覆思考與詮釋。
This study uses autoethnography to document the entrepreneurial journey of the author’s dessert brand, “Sophia’s Crème Brûlée,” as the main narrative. The story begins with Sophia's participation in a school entrepreneurship competition. After achieving a high score in the competition, Sophia embarked on her entrepreneurial journey by selling desserts from a three-wheeled cart. Currently, Sophia operates three "Sophia's Crème Brûlée" stores in Taiwan. This study aims to describe and analyze this entrepreneurial experience to explore the challenges and insights arising from female entrepreneurship. The study employs a self-positioning perspective to narrate the journey and gathers data such as memories, photos, chat records, fan page posts, and award records from news media. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with key individuals in Sophia’s entrepreneurial journey to provide an external perspective on the entrepreneurial story. By examining the narratives from both subjective and objective viewpoints, the study facilitates mutual exchange, reflection, and in-depth exploration of the entrepreneurial journey, theoretically interpreting the key issues behind female entrepreneurship and its relationship with the contemporary society.The study yields four main findings. First, challenges faced by women in entrepreneurship today encompass time constraints, physical limitations (strength and stamina), traditional stereotypes (related to family, reproduction, trustworthiness, and ability), stress management, and constraints within specific industry sectors. Second, sustainable contexts and conditions for female entrepreneurship include pursuing one’s passion, adhering to core values and the mission of entrepreneurship, maintaining motivation and positivity, expressing gratitude, and receiving support from family and friends. Third, key success factors in female entrepreneurship are categorized as external, internal, and branding execution factors, including work approach, personality, and image. Fourth, the significance and impact of entrepreneurship on women include increased confidence, diligence, stability, maturity, and a more systematic approach to tasks.This study examines the differing perspectives between the self and others in the entrepreneurial journey of “Sophia’s Crème Brûlée,” with the goal of enabling readers to develop their own viewpoints through the interconnected influences of “spontaneity” and “self-determination” in Sophia's entrepreneurial journey, fostering ongoing reflection and interpretation.



甜點, 自我民族誌, 自我決定理論, 隨創理論, 女性創業, dessert, autoethnography, self-determination theory, bricolage theory, female entrepreneurship





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