台灣意象:寶島四季吟 寂寞沐光行

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台灣以一個小島之姿,傲然的擁有 269 座三千公尺以上的高山,是高山密度最高的島嶼之一,同時可觀察熱帶、亞熱帶、亞寒帶的自然生態景致,更因此擁有生物多樣化的天然資源,又因過去複雜的歷史,島上的人文、族群受多樣文化的薰陶,而呈現錯綜的融合;藉曾經兩年旅居海外,有了異國文化相互比較的視野,更深刻的體會這塊土地的珍貴與對她的眷戀。 繪畫經過為君王、貴族及宗教服務的演變,到今天可以完全由繪畫者的自由意志,通過個人的主觀思維來創作。歷史不斷前行,一個流派的產生,象徵ㄧ個新觀念的發生,也同時是表示對過去的反動或否定,但並不意味現在比較優秀。 本文針對筆者生長的台灣,效法里昂・加斯帕德 (Leon Shulman Gaspard 1882 – 1964)的精神,以寫生的方式來實踐對土地的關懷和認同,探討油畫寫生的價值,不只單純的物象再現,而是透過觀察重新安排,以線、面、造形來表達心有所感,是個人知性思考的總結,重申素描基本功的重要,並藉作品縮短與觀者的距離,直接讓作品說話。 作品強調台灣的風景與人文的價值,同時關懷生命多樣化和環境的議題,藝術的價值,是以誠懇的心記錄生命的體現、情感的投射,讓具象繪畫回到藝術本位。
Taiwan is a small island with 269 mountains higher than 3,000 meters. It is one of the islands with the highest density of mountains in the world. We can observe the natural ecological landscape of the tropical, subtropical and sub–frigid zones, and thus has the natural resources of biodiversity. Because of the complicated history of the past, the humanities and ethnic groups on the island are immersed in diverse cultures, and they are intricately integrated. Because of my brief absence from Taiwan for two years, I was more deeply aware of the preciousness of this land and my attachment to her. Painting has evolved through the service of kings, nobles, and religions, and today can be completely created by the free will of the painter with their personal subjective thinking. History keeps moving forward. The emergence of a new art group symbolizes the occurrence of a new concept and also reflects reaction and negation of the past, but does not mean that it is better now. This thesis focuses on my home land, Taiwan. By following the spirit of Leon Shulman Gaspard (1882 – 1964), try to practice the care and recognition of the land by applying sketch, to explore the value of oil painting. It is not simply to reproduce the objects. Instead, it is, through observation and reassembly, using lines, faces and figures to express the feeling of heart. It is a summary of personal intellectual thinking. Reaffirm the importance of sketching basic skills, and let the artwork speak directly by shortening the distance from the viewer. The artwork emphasizes the value of Taiwan's landscape and humanity, and cares about the diversity of life and the environment. The value of art is to record the embodiment of life and the projection of emotions with sincerity, and let the figurative painting return to the basis of art.



台灣意象, 寫生, 風景畫, 油畫, Taiwan Image, Sketch, Landscape Painting, Oil Painting





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