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理查·史特勞斯(Richard Strauss, 1864-1949)作品廣泛且多元,藝術歌曲、交響詩、歌劇、協奏曲、室內樂作品、器樂曲;從青少年時期的作品《d小調小提琴協奏曲》(Violin concerto in D minor, TrV 110, Op. 8, 1880-1882)到晚年的作品《E大調稍快板》(Allegretto in E major for violin and piano, TrV 295, 1948);理查·史特勞斯創作專屬於小提琴的作品數量稀少,但終其一生創作每部大編制的樂團作品或歌劇,小提琴聲部的創作一直是非常重要且困難的樂團片段。 本文以理查·史特勞斯早期創作兩首小提琴專屬作品為主,中期交響詩《英雄的生涯》(Ein Heldenleben, TrV 190, Op. 40, 1897-1898)和《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》(Also sprach Zarathustra, TrV 176, Op. 30, 1896)著名的小提琴獨奏片段以及晚期作品《E大調稍快板》為輔,分成三個創作時期探討演奏詮釋與研究。第一章探討研究方法及研究目的;第二章依照理查·史特勞斯的小提琴作品分為早期、中期、晚期並研究其創作背景;第三章針對《d小調小提琴協奏曲》及《降E大調小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲》樂曲分析;第四章加入《英雄的生涯》及《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》,並加入筆者演奏詮釋與見解,希望透過分析與詮釋理查·史特勞斯的「小提琴作品」,更了解德奧地區浪漫樂派後期的重要作曲家。
Richard Strauss's(1864-1949) music works are full of spectrum from lieds, symphonic poems,operas, concertos, chamber music and instrumental music. Among Strauss’s works, only few of them were written for the solo violin repertoires: from his early work, the Violin concerto in D minor, TrV 110, Op. 8 to the later work, Allegretto in E major for violin and piano, TrV 295. Despite of the rare solo repertoires for the violin, Richard Strauss wrote many challenged and exclusive violin solo excerpts in his symphonic works and operas, which were not just difficult but also important in terms of the orchestral excerpts. The dissertation is aimed to analyze the two solo violin repertoires and the violin orchestral excerpts from the symphonic poems Ein Heldenleben, TrV 190 Op. 40 and Also sprach Zarathustra, TrV 176, Op. 30 . The interpretation of the works from the perspective of violinist is explored in the dissertation as well. This dissertation consists of four chapters: introducing the purpose and the parameters methods in the first chapter. The second chapter focuses on the background of composer’s compositions by the early, mid and late times of his career. The structure forms of the compositions from the Violin concerto and the Allegretto in E major are analyzed in the third chapter. Last, the author’s interpretation of the violin orchestral works is probed in the fourth chapter. Richard Strauss’s work for violin can be considered one of the most representative compositions in the period of the late Romanticism German-Austrian. In the dissertation, the author hoped that, as a violinist, he could provide more perspectives on the views and interpretation of this period of works.



理查·史特勞斯, 小提琴, 降E大調小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲, d小調小提琴協奏曲, 英雄的生涯, 查拉圖斯特拉如是說, E大調稍快板, Richard Strauss, violin, Violin concerto in D minor, Sonata for Violin and Piano in E-flat Major





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