
dc.contributor陳政友 博士zh_TW
dc.contributorCheng-Yu Chen,PhDen_US
dc.contributor.authorPin-Hsi Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要在探討中央警察大學學生危害健康行為及其相關因素研究。以自編結構式問卷為工具,採分層隨機抽樣,抽取377名學生為樣本,有效問卷共372份(98.7%)。本研究主要發現如下: 一、研究對象飲食行為整體表現中上,表現較好的有每天吃早餐、喝足夠的水、吃高蛋白質食物;但卻少攝取牛奶、水果、高纖食物及常喝含糖飲料之現象。另外,年級越低、學業成績好、傾向內控型健康控握信念者的飲食行為越好,而傾向強勢他人外控型健康控握信念者的飲食行為則越差。 二、研究對象運動行為整體表現良好,表現較好的有運動時穿著適合服裝、運動中會注意自己與別人安全、選擇適當的運動場地運動。另外,年級越低、傾向內控型健康控握信念者的運動行為越好。 三、研究對象壓力調適行為整體表現中上,表現較好的有從事靜態休閒活動、功課不好會設法了解原因、認為人生是有意義的等;但當情緒困擾時,較少尋求專家或輔導人員協助。另外,女生、學業成績越好,傾向內控型健康控握信念者的壓力調適行為越好,而傾向機運性外控健康控握信念者壓力調適行為越差。 四、研究對象事故傷害預防行為整體表現中上,表現較好的有酒後不開車或騎車、騎機車戴安全帽,而表現較差有騎乘腳踏車時不會戴安全帽。另外,女生、年級越低、學業成績越高及傾向內控型健康控握信念者的事故傷害預防行為越好。自殺行為方面,約一成的人想過自殺,但沒有人實際自殺過;當遇自殺問題時,大部分均不尋求協助。 五、研究對象中31.7﹪、曾吸菸91.1﹪曾飲酒,而多數人第一次吸菸與飲酒的年齡都在17歲以後,已養成每天吸菸及飲酒習慣者仍為少數。研究發現,年級越高、學業成績越差者,吸菸比率越高。 六、研究對象中約有二成的人有性行為,其中約有六成以上的人會全程使用保險套,但仍有少數未能採取必要的保護措施及避孕的方法。研究發現男生及年級越高者,有性行為的比率越高。 根據研究發現,建議校園加強膳食稽查工作;學校醫務室多舉辦健康促進系列活動、加強衛生教育工作;通識教育中能發展多元之健康課程;強化諮商中心功能及將健康之生活技能加入隊部實習訓練之重點。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study which delves into the unhealthy behavior among students of Central Police University and the related factors is conducted on a random sample of 377 students, using a self-prepared structured questionnaire. 372 (98.7%) completed questionnaires were received. Findings are as follows: 1.In terms of the dietary behavior, the overall dietary behaviors of the subjects are fairly good. Subjects having good eating behaviors take breakfast every day and have sufficient intake of water and protein; furthermore, it’s found that few subjects indulge in sugared drinks and dislike milk, fruit and high-fiber foods. The study also reveals that low-grade subjects having better academic performance and prone to internal health locus of control have better dietary behavior; while the subjects that are prone to prepotent external health locus of control have poor dietary behavior. 2.In terms of the exercise behavior, the overall exercise behaviors of the subjects are good. The good exercise behaviors include: wearing proper sportswear, taking care of self and others’ safety while taking exercise, and taking exercise at appropriate sport venues. The study reveals that “Grade” and “Internal Health Locus of Control” are primary variables in prediction of exercise behavior. The low-grade subjects that are prone to internal health locus of control have better exercise behavior. 3.In terms of the stress coping behavior, the subjects manifest fairly good stress coping behavior. The good stress coping behaviors include: enjoying sedentary leisure activities, endeavoring to overcome difficulty in study, and envisioning a meaningful life. However, the subjects, when encountering emotional management problem, seldom seek advice from experts or counselors. The study reveals that female subjects with better academic performance and prone to the internal health locus of control manifest better stress coping behavior; and that subjects that are prone to external chance health locus of control manifest poor stress coping behavior. 4.In terms of the unintentional injury prevention behavior, the subjects manifest fairly good unintentional injury prevention behavior. The good behaviors include: refraining from driving a vehicle or a motorbike under the influence of alcohol vehicles, and wearing a helmet while riding a motorbike; however, the poor behavior found in this study is “riding bicycles without wearing helmets”. The study reveals low-grade female subjects with better academic performance and prone to internal health locus of control manifest better unintentional injury prevention behavior. In terms of suicidal behavior, one-tenth subjects once conceived of suicide, but none of them attempted suicide. Most of the subjects did not seek assistance when conceiving of suicide. 5.Among the subjects, 31.7% of them tried smoking, and 91.1% drank alcohol. Most of the subjects smoked or drank alcohol for the first time at the age of seventeen, and few of them have got into the habit of daily smoking or drinking. The study reveals that high-grade subjects with poor academic performance have high smoking rate. 6.Two-tenths of the subjects have sexual experience. Among them, at least six-tenths use condom throughout the course of sexual intercourse. A few of them do not take protective measures or contraceptive means during the course of sexual intercourse. The study reveals that sex behavior is more common among the male and high-grade subjects. As revealed in the findings of this study, it is suggested to strengthen the inspection of the campus catering service, to frequently organize health promotion related activities by the Health Care Center of the school, to enhance the health related education program, to include diverse health courses into the general education curriculum, to foster the functions of the Student Counseling Center, and to take the heath-related life skills as essentials of student practical training. The findings of this study shall serve as reference for the health promotion programs and the future study and research direction of the Central Police University.en_US
dc.subjectPolice University studentsen_US
dc.subjectHealth Locus of Controlen_US
dc.subjectRisk Health Behavioren_US
dc.titleStudy on the Central Police University Students Related Factors in Risk Health Behavioren_US

