

本研究之目的為透過使用者導向的調查,瞭解現行網站之資訊架構是否符合使用者之認知,並進一步對現行網站架構提出具體建議,作為未來圖書館網站修改時之參考。本研究共採行「網站內容分析法」、「卡片分類法」及「問卷調查法」進行研究,以國立臺灣師範大學圖書館網站、該校圖書館館員及學生為研究對象,試圖瞭解圖書館員與學生組織網站內容方式之異同,及其對現行網站分類標籤系統合適度之認知。除此之外,更欲進一步瞭解卡片分類法在提高網站內部尋獲度之成效。 研究結果顯示圖書館員與學生在組織網站內容的方式上略有差異,學生傾向將圖書館硬體空間相關項目歸為同類。再者,將卡片分類法研究結果與現行圖書館網站進行比較分析可知受試者分類結果中其他圖書館資源、圖書館場地兩類是現行網站缺少的類別,而在網站導覽(資料導覽)、電子資源類兩類涵蓋的項目則是與現行網站差異較大。在分類標籤系統的調查上,研究結果顯示多數現行網站標籤在受試者的認知中是可理解且具有準確性的,惟在標籤一致性上仍有改善之空間。此外,根據尋獲度問卷調查結果可知卡片分類法所得之群集分析網站架構及因素分析網站架構在尋獲度上之認知高於現行網站架構,顯示卡片分類法所得之網站架構確實符合使用者期待,且在尋獲度上有顯著提升。 最後根據研究結果對現行國立台灣師範大學圖書館網站提出四點建議:一、設計出合乎使用者期待之網站資訊架構;二、建立一致性之分類標籤系統;三、依據不同身份別設計網站;四、加強圖書館推廣服務。
The aim of the research studies whether the information architecture of the library website fits the user’s recognition. By Content Analytic Approach, Card Sorting, and the Questionnaire Investigation method, we would like to know the differences between the librarians and students of National Taiwan Normal University in organizing the content of the websites and how they label, as well as we want to know if Card Sorting is able to improve the findability of a website. The result shows the librarians and students are different in organizing the content of the websites. Students tend to classify relevant projects of library hardware space as the same. The current website lacks the categories of the「Other Libraries」and「Facilities」,and the two categories-「Site map」、「E-Resources」covers more differences. In addition, according to the questionnaire investigation, the findabilities of 「the website architecture of Clustering Analysis result」and 「the website architecture of Factor Analysis result」are higher than the current website architecture. Four suggestions were proposed:First, the website information architecture should be designed to confirm the user’s expectation. Second, set up the labeling system of consistency. Third, websites should be designed according to; Fourth, the Library Extension Service should be strengthened.



大學圖書館, 圖書館網站, 資訊架構, 卡片分類法, 尋獲度, University library, library website, information architecture, ard sorting, findability





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