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霸凌行為在校園中屢見不鮮,儘管教育部的「校園安全暨災害防救通報處理中心」致力推動校園治安,但件數並沒有明顯的下降,顯示學校的輔導管教成效有限。故本研究主要是針對國中生設計「反校園霸凌之生活技能教學介入」,並探討其成效。本研究採準實驗設計,立意取樣台北縣某國中七年級學生為研究對象,實驗組一班共35人,校內控制組一班共34人,且為避免實驗污染,另取桃園縣某國中之七級學生為校外控制組共33人,合計共102名學生。實驗組每週接受兩節教學介入,介入時間共計十五週;兩組控制組不予任何介入。 本研究發現教學介入後,與校內控制組比較,實驗組被霸凌的經驗皆有統計上的顯著下降;與校外控制組經詹森─內曼法比較後發現,教學介入對於被霸凌經驗較為嚴重的實驗組學生,效果較顯著。在霸凌他人之行為方面,實驗組學生較校內控制組顯著減少霸凌他人的行為,與校外控制組比較後因樣本數較少,以致P值不顯著,但比例已經有明顯降低,加大樣本即可顯著,故本研究仍值得推廣。 本研究發現,配合各種生活技巧設計之課程,較僅教導同理心或情緒調適的課程,更能讓學生有效處理校園霸凌的問題。因此未來可推廣以生活技能為主的相關研習,讓教師能針對學生需求,設計適合學生的生活技能課程,提升學生解決問題的能力。而未來研究者可在本研究之基礎下加大樣本數進行介入,以增加研究結果的外推性,探討反校園霸凌之生活技能教學介入之成效。
In Taiwan, Campus Security Report Center, Ministry of Education endeavors to prevent bullying at school. However, more and more school bullies still call people’s attention to campus security. For the limited effects of school discipline, this quasi-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effect of intervention for teaching life skills related to school bullying to junior high school students. A total number of 102 seventh-grade students were recruited by purposive sampling. There were 35 students in the intervention group, and 34 in the control group from a junior high school in Taipei County. Additionally, 33 students from another junior high school in Taoyuan County served as another control group. Baseline and post-test Olweus Bullying Questionnaires were administered to the students of three groups. The intervention group received the teaching interventions twice a week for 15 weeks, and the control group only received regular courses. This study found that school bullying decreased significantly in the intervention group after teaching intervention. Moreover, after Johnson-Neyman adjustment, teaching intervention revealed a more significant effect on students who had been seriously bullied, and also reduced students’ bully behavior significantly. In conclusion, learning life skills is more useful to help students to deal with school bullying than only taking courses of empathy or emotional control. Therefore, teachers need to learn how to design specific courses for each student to enhance their problem-solving skills. For further research, large sample size will be necessary to increase external validity.



校園霸凌, 生活技能, School bullying, Life skills





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