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本研究旨在探討大專體育SSU特派員服務經驗,研究參與者有特派員及SSU管理者共六位。目前非營利事業組織運用志工的比例大幅提升,體育場亦不例外,不論是活動的支援或是一般庶務性工作,皆有賴體育志工的參與。學校方面各大專院校越來越重視大專聯賽,在這樣的時空背景下,目前賽程活動已成為各大學間引頸期盼之年度競技盛事,為推廣大專體育,隸屬於中華民國大專體育總會的媒體志工組織SSU因應而生。本研究採質性方法,透過參與觀察和半結構訪談,輔以蒐集之文件資料。研究以SSU各年度精神標語歸納出特派員服務經驗四個主題:I’m Here to Change;Passion and Me;Relay,Replay and Never End;Fly to the Sky. 分析結果研究結論如下:1. SSU特派員參與動機源於對體育的熱誠、未來的考量 2.自我學習、成就感與認同感使SSU特派員持續服務 3.從突破困難、不斷接受挑戰累積實務經驗 4.學習專業技能與運動產業接軌。最後,提出未來研究與實務上之建議,以提供相關組織與研究者作為參考。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the service experience of SSU.In recent years, not only the proportion of volunteers in non-profit organizations has increased significantly,but stadiums,the participation of sports volunteers become more and more important. People are paying more and more attention to the University leagues. Under the background, the current schedule event has become an annual competitive event that attracts attention among universities. In order to expand University leagues, A media volunteer's group got their start which belongs Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation. The Study is via participant observation,document collecting and semi-structured, guided interviews were employed to collect data. The study is summarized the four themes of the service experience with SSU's annual slogan“I'm Here to Change; Relay, Replay and Never End; Passion and Me; Fly to the Sky.” According to these results, the following conclusions, 1.The motivation for volunteer’s participation is due to the enthusiasm for sports and future considerations 2. Self-learning, a sense of accomplishment, and self-identity make SSU volunteer to serve constantly 3. To overcomes difficulties and take up challenges will accumulate experience 4. To learn professional skills may connect rail to the sports industry. Finally, the suggestions for future research and practice are also provided in this study.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the service experience of SSU.In recent years, not only the proportion of volunteers in non-profit organizations has increased significantly,but stadiums,the participation of sports volunteers become more and more important. People are paying more and more attention to the University leagues. Under the background, the current schedule event has become an annual competitive event that attracts attention among universities. In order to expand University leagues, A media volunteer's group got their start which belongs Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation. The Study is via participant observation,document collecting and semi-structured, guided interviews were employed to collect data. The study is summarized the four themes of the service experience with SSU's annual slogan“I'm Here to Change; Relay, Replay and Never End; Passion and Me; Fly to the Sky.” According to these results, the following conclusions, 1.The motivation for volunteer’s participation is due to the enthusiasm for sports and future considerations 2. Self-learning, a sense of accomplishment, and self-identity make SSU volunteer to serve constantly 3. To overcomes difficulties and take up challenges will accumulate experience 4. To learn professional skills may connect rail to the sports industry. Finally, the suggestions for future research and practice are also provided in this study.
四大聯賽, 媒體志工, 體育推廣, 運動產業, university leagues, media volunteer, physical education promotion, sport industry