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近年來,臺灣經濟結構轉變,在家開伙比例逐漸減少,根據調查有高達93%的臺灣國民有到外用餐的習慣;而外送比例就佔了總營業額的5%,因此除了傳統面對面的交易買賣之外,更啟動了網路美食外送平台 (Online Food Delivery Platform, OFDP) 的新零售時期,提供省時的消費體驗,使美食外送成為一塊藍海市場。2020年全球爆發COVID-19,OFDP提供無接觸之服務,使OFDP營業額於疫情籠罩中仍能開創市場。OFDP於2012年便開始在臺灣提供服務,至今相關研究卻較為稀少。因此本研究欲探討顧客使用OFDP影響,藉由顧客之認知 (安全與隱私、IT品質、平台特徵、價格敏感度) 與情感 (名聲、互動以及熟悉感) 因素了解再使用意願,進而對平台以及合作餐廳提供顧客再使用意願之因素分析。本研究以信任依附模型 (Trust-Attachment Model) 為理論基礎,透過文獻回顧產生題項,並邀請10位異質專家審視內容效度,於Google表單回收正式問卷電子問卷,採立意抽樣,共回收485份問卷,回收435份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為90%,以結構方程模型進行分析來探討顧客使用OFDP影響之因素,與SPSS 22.0 進行敘述性統計分析,經由結構方程模型與Amos 24.0分析後,結果顯示為「IT品質、價格敏感度、安全與隱私」分別對信任平台、再使用意願有正向顯著影響;「互動」對信任合作餐廳有正向顯著影響,而本研究提出中介之假設部分成立,以提供未來OFDP管理者在未來的營運方式。
Taiwanese eating habits have changed dramatically in the past few years, with people rarely making meals at home anymore. According to the survey, 93% of Taiwanese have meals in the restaurants, while 5% of total revenue is from food delivery. Online food delivery platform has become ever more popular, saving time for consumers and increasing customer satisfaction. In 2020, the global outbreaks COVID-19, especially OFDP still provide service. Even though OFDP have been in service since 2012, relevant literature is rare. Therefore, this research explores the factors influencing the use of OFPDs. According to existing literature, this study uses the trust building model and the attachment theory as the basis to explore the impact of OFDPs on consumers' intention. This study integrated the theories of the trust building model and attachment theory.A total of ten heterogeneous experts in academia and industry were invited to conduct expert validity evaluation of the input and output. Afterwards, the electronic questionnaire was published on the Internet. The five-point scale of Likert was used to measure the content. The pilot collected from 485 questionnaires until 25 April, 2020. The sample recovery rate is 90%. The study adopted Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis and SPSS 22.0 to further analyze consumers’ intention to use food delivery services. The results indicated that the IT quality, price sensitivity,and security& privacy are positively related to users’ trust. The interaction is positively related to the trust of restaurants. Our findings could provide operation mode and managements for OFDP also the local restaurants in Taiwan.
Taiwanese eating habits have changed dramatically in the past few years, with people rarely making meals at home anymore. According to the survey, 93% of Taiwanese have meals in the restaurants, while 5% of total revenue is from food delivery. Online food delivery platform has become ever more popular, saving time for consumers and increasing customer satisfaction. In 2020, the global outbreaks COVID-19, especially OFDP still provide service. Even though OFDP have been in service since 2012, relevant literature is rare. Therefore, this research explores the factors influencing the use of OFPDs. According to existing literature, this study uses the trust building model and the attachment theory as the basis to explore the impact of OFDPs on consumers' intention. This study integrated the theories of the trust building model and attachment theory.A total of ten heterogeneous experts in academia and industry were invited to conduct expert validity evaluation of the input and output. Afterwards, the electronic questionnaire was published on the Internet. The five-point scale of Likert was used to measure the content. The pilot collected from 485 questionnaires until 25 April, 2020. The sample recovery rate is 90%. The study adopted Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis and SPSS 22.0 to further analyze consumers’ intention to use food delivery services. The results indicated that the IT quality, price sensitivity,and security& privacy are positively related to users’ trust. The interaction is positively related to the trust of restaurants. Our findings could provide operation mode and managements for OFDP also the local restaurants in Taiwan.
網路美食外送, 信任建立模型, 依附理論, 再使用意願, Online Food Delivery, Trust-Building Model, Attachment Theory, Repurchase Intention