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在關注階段的探討上,本研究採問卷調查法,以立意取樣的方式,實施「國中地理教師對環境教育議題融入教學之關注階段問卷」,回收124份有效問卷,再以SPSS 22 for Windows進行資料分析與討論;在使用層次的探討上,以訪談法之立意取樣的方式對5位受訪教師進行半結構式訪談,分析研究對象之使用層次情形。依據研究目的與問題、研究結果與分析,本研究發現:
The study based on the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) to inquiry junior high school geography teachers in Taipei City which Stages of Concern (SoC), Levels of Use (LoU) and the influencing factors on infusing environmental education into their curriculum. Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) were adopted to collect 124 teachers’ Stages of Concern data. Then, analyze teachers’ Stages of Concern by "SPSS 22 for Windows". In addition, 5 teachers were selected by purposive sampling and interviewed based on Levels of Use categories, decision points, and the influencing factors. The findings of this study are summarized as followings: 1.The highest Stage of Concern for the junior high school geography teachers in Taipei City was "Stage 4-Consequence". 2.There were significant differences among "gender", "highest education level", " school size", "school’s environmental education case officer", "environmental education certified", and "environmental community members to participate". And there were significant correlation among "age" and "seniority". 3.The results of the 5 teachers’ "Stage of Concern-Levels of Use" are as followings: "Informational-Mechanical", "Personal-Routine", "Consequence-Integration", "Collaborationl-Refinement", and "Refocusing-Refinement". 4.There is an existence of correlation between the Stages of Concern and the Levels of Use. But, it still may be effected by other factors.
The study based on the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) to inquiry junior high school geography teachers in Taipei City which Stages of Concern (SoC), Levels of Use (LoU) and the influencing factors on infusing environmental education into their curriculum. Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) were adopted to collect 124 teachers’ Stages of Concern data. Then, analyze teachers’ Stages of Concern by "SPSS 22 for Windows". In addition, 5 teachers were selected by purposive sampling and interviewed based on Levels of Use categories, decision points, and the influencing factors. The findings of this study are summarized as followings: 1.The highest Stage of Concern for the junior high school geography teachers in Taipei City was "Stage 4-Consequence". 2.There were significant differences among "gender", "highest education level", " school size", "school’s environmental education case officer", "environmental education certified", and "environmental community members to participate". And there were significant correlation among "age" and "seniority". 3.The results of the 5 teachers’ "Stage of Concern-Levels of Use" are as followings: "Informational-Mechanical", "Personal-Routine", "Consequence-Integration", "Collaborationl-Refinement", and "Refocusing-Refinement". 4.There is an existence of correlation between the Stages of Concern and the Levels of Use. But, it still may be effected by other factors.
關注本位採用模式, 環境教育, 融入式課程, Concerns Based Adoption Model, Environmental education, Infusion curriculum