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研究背景   隨著科技蓬勃發展,資訊透過網路及社群媒體迅速傳播,網路資訊已成為產婦最主要的健康資訊來源,醫護人員已不再是其健康資訊的唯一提供者。然而,目前國內外對於產婦如何運用網路健康資訊進行育兒照護決策,以及如何影響其健康照護溝通之研究仍付之闕如。 研究目的   瞭解產婦對新生兒照護的需求、如何蒐集、分析、解讀,以及運用電子健康資訊,以及探討產婦電子健康資訊搜尋行為如何影響其與醫護人員之溝通與互動。 研究方法   本研究於2019年8月至9月間於臺北市立聯合醫院和平婦幼院區產後護理之家邀請符合條件之22位產婦參與,共12位產婦接受訪談。研究人員將訪談錄音資料謄打成逐字稿並進行編碼分析,並且以主題方式呈現研究結果。 研究結果   本研究結果如下:(一)電子健康資訊搜尋行為:產婦最關注的是新生兒生長與發育狀況,而學習新生兒照護技巧亦是產婦們的重要需求。上網搜尋電子健康的原因包括產婦發現自身身體出現異常症狀、希望獲得其他產婦之實務經驗以及認為醫護人員提供的健康資訊不足。產婦搜尋皆使用Google搜尋引擎,視健康議題問題之類型以及對於資訊需求的迫切程度來選擇資訊搜尋管道之管道。(二)電子健康資訊搜尋行為與健康照護人員溝通:當電子資訊與醫護人員提供有出入時,產婦們大多願意與主動與醫護人員確認資訊正確性。多數產婦認為電子健康資訊搜尋行為對於其與醫護人員互動溝通是有正面的影響。不論何種資訊管道,對於醫護人員提供之資訊仍較信任,親朋好友提供之資訊僅做為參考不會完全採信,而對社群媒體中所提供之資訊認同感不高。產婦偏好衛教訊息以電子方式傳遞較為方便,不論偏好何者,產婦皆重視「資訊保存之便利性」。 結論與建議   產婦對於育兒照護資訊之需求不僅限於知識也包括技能。對於他人於網路分享或社群網站之訊息,產婦仍會注意資訊之正確性及依據自身的狀況決定是否採納。產婦對醫護人員之信任度較高,且多希望醫護人員能夠主動提供資訊,但認為電子訊搜尋有助於健康照護溝通。建議未來可依據懷孕前中後不同的需求提供一個更易操作及使用之整合性平台,提供實證科學之資訊及建議。
Background   With the rapid development of technology, information spreads rapidly through the Internet and social media, as these have become the most popular sources for postpartum women to obtain health information, and the health care provider is no longer the only source for the health information. However, few studies have focused on how postpartum women search, analyze, and apply online health information in their infant care decision making, as well as how their online health information-seeking behaviors affect their health care communications. Purpose This study aims to understand the postpartum women's needs, how they search, analyze, and apply online health information, and how their online information-seeking behaviors affect their communications with the health care providers. Methods   We conducted qualitative interviews with 12 postpartum women in a Taipei City hospital birth center from August to September, 2019. We transcribed the audio recordings and coded the concepts by reading every line. Then, we used thematic analysis to present our results.   Results   The results showed that with regards to the postpartum women's online information-seeking, they concern infant development and growth the most, and learning infant care skills is important for them. The reasons for searching health information online included that they were not feeling well, they hoped they could learn from other women's experience, and the information provided by the healthcare providers was not sufficient. All of them used Google to search for the information. They decided which websites they would search depending on the type of questions and also the urgency of the problems. Regarding healthcare communications, most women were willing to confirm whether the information was accurate or not when they found discrepancies between what they saw from the Internet and what health care providers said. Most of the women perceived that online information-seeking behaviors have made a positive impact on healthcare communications. Postpartum women trust the information from the providers more than any other source. The suggestions or information provided by their family members or friends will be for reference only. Most of them did not trust the information provided by the social media because of the concerns and the motivations behind that. Postpartum women prefer to receive digital information and they all perceive that the convenience of data storage is important. Conclusions and recommendations Postpartum women were eager to learn both infant care knowledge and skills. They were aware of the misleading information on the Internet shared by others or social media and will consider their own situation before taking their suggestions. They highly trust the health care providers and expect them to become more proactive when providing the information. It is suggested that there is a need to create a user friendly and evidence-based information platform to meet the different needs from the preconception, prenatal, to the postpartum periods.



產婦, 電子健康資訊搜尋行為, 健康照護溝通, Postpartum women, Online health information-seeking behaviors, Healthcare communication





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