

本研究目的旨在探討台北縣市社區大學電腦課程學員學習現況與學習滿意度情形,研究內容分為學員背景、師生互動、課程教學、行政服務四個方向,並探討影響台北縣市社區大學電腦課程學員學習滿意度的因素,以及評估兩者間是否有顯著關聯性,進而提供主管教育機關及各社區大學承辦單位在推行相關業務上的參考依據。本研究採取問卷調查法進行研究,以台北縣市四所社區大學九十五年第一期之進階班電腦課程學員為對象,以自編之「台北縣市社區大學電腦課程學員學習現況及學習滿意度調查問卷」為調查工具,總計發放180份,可用問卷163份,可用率達91%,所得資料以平均數、標準差、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法加以處理,經統計分析獲致七項結論: 一、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程學員在「學習現況」認同度均高。 二、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程的學習現況不會因學員背景變項不同而有所差異。 三、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程學員在學習滿意度上具有高認同度。 四、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程的學習滿意度不會因學員背景變項不同而有所差異。 五、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程學員學習現況各分層面與學習滿意度各分層面間呈現顯著正相關。 六、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程的學習現況不會因社區大學的不同而有所差異。 七、 台北縣市社區大學電腦課程的學習滿意度不會因社區大學的不同而有所差異。
This study aimed to investigate consumer satisfaction of current learning among students taking computer-related courses in Chung-he Community College. The research factors included four major areas: student backgrounds, interactions between teachers and students, teaching and curriculum, and administrative supports. The study also aimed to examine whether there was an obvious correlation between the consumer satisfaction and current learning so as to make recommendations to educational authorities and other community colleges concerning the development and arrangement of future computer-related courses at community colleges. The investigation was performed using a purpose-designed questionnaire, targeted 163 students out of 180 taking courses in the first semester, 2006. The response rate was 91%. All data were processed and analyzed by means of Mean, Standard Deviation, T-TEST assays, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis.



社區大學, 電腦課程, 學習現況, 學習滿意度, community college, computer-related courses, status quo of learning, satisfaction of learning





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