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本研究旨在探討桃園縣國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度,並分析在多元文化學習經驗不同的條件下之情形,研究方法採問卷調查法收集資料,以桃園縣縣立國中普通班學生約82796人作為抽樣調查之母群體數,分層立意取樣方式取得480筆有效樣本,所得資料以SPSS19.0版分析,透過描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析進行考驗,結果如下: 一、桃園縣國中生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民悅納程度普通偏高。 二、桃園縣國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度,在不同背景變項下其差異情形有所不同。 (一)個人背景變項方面,不同年級、有無接觸經驗之國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度無顯著差異;不同性別之國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度存在顯著差異,女學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度較男學生高。 (二)家庭背景變項方面,不同父母國籍之國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度並無顯著差異;高社經家庭之國中生對東南亞籍女性認知層面接納程度低於中社經家庭學生、自覺家人接納態度愈高之國中學生,對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度愈高。 (三)學校背景變項方面,不同學校行政區域之國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度並無顯著差異;就讀不同學校規模之不同在國中學生對東南亞籍女性移工及新移民接納態度存在顯著差異,就讀中型學校之國中學生比就讀大型學校者在行為傾向層面接納程度較高。 三、性別、有無親友或鄰居雇用東南亞籍女性之接觸經驗、自覺家人接納態度及多元文化學習經驗能預測國中學生之接納態度。 四、在有無多元文化學習經驗的不同條件下,自覺家人接納態度影響國中學生接納態度的情形有所不同 依據上述研究發現提出建議,提供政府相關單位、教育工作者、家長及未來研究之參考。依據上述研究發現提出建議,提供政府相關單位、教育工作者、家長及未來研究之參考。
The purposes of this study are to understand the junior high school students’ attitudes toward Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants in Taoyuan County, and to analyze how the situations differ under conditions of different multicultural learning experiences. Questionnaire survey is carried out in this study. From a total of 82,796 junior high school students in regular classes in Taoyuan County, 480 valid samples are collected. All statistics are computed by SPSS 19.0. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance(one-way ANOVA), and multiple hierarchical regression analysis are utilized to evaluate and analyze factors. The results indicated as follows: 1. The junior high school students’ attitudes toward Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants in Taoyuan County are generally positive. 2. The differences among the junior high school students’ attitudes toward Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants in Taoyuan County are according to different background variables. (1) In personal background variables, there are no obvious differences in different grades or contact experience in students’ accepting attitudes to Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants, but the factor of gender has significant impact on attitudes towards the Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants. Female students' attitudes to Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants are more positive than male students'. (2) In family background variables, there are no significant different accepting attitudes toward Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants for those junior high students whose parents are from different nations. The cognitive dimension acceptance of Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants of the students in high socioeconomic families is lower than that in medium socioeconomic families. The higher acceptance rate of Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants the students are conscious of in their family , the more positive attitudes to the same group would be shown. (3) In school background variables, Junior high students in different school regions, do not possess apparently different accepting attitude to Southeast Asian female migrant workers and new immigrants; however, different schools sizes make a difference. Students attending a medium-sized school acquire a higher degree of acceptance in behavioral tendency dimension than those attending large-sized schools.. 3.Gender, the contact experience with Southeast Asian female, the consciousness of acceptance rate of Southeast Asian female in one’s family, and multicultural learning experience can predict junior high school students’ attitudes. 4. With or without multicultural learning experience, the influence degree of students’ attitude in accordance with the consciousness of acceptance of Southeast Asian female in one’s family varies. Suggestions are made according to the results shown above for parents, parent education programmers and further studies.



東南亞籍女性移工, 東南亞籍新移民, 接納態度, 多元文化學習經驗, Southeast Asian female migrant workers, new immigrants, acceptance attitudes, multicultural learning experience





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