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YouTube是目前全球最大且最廣為流行的影片搜尋與分享媒體之一,其中亦包含大量健身運動相關的影片資訊,提供使用者觀看並學習健身運動的技巧。時逢新型冠狀病毒流行期間,許多美國居民因疫情影響,必須進行居家隔離,出門運動的習慣備受限制,因此,本研究採用科技接受模式來研究美國YouTube使用者在新型冠狀病毒流行期間的健身運動經驗,透過線上問卷的方式,來調查他們使用YouTube進行健身運動的接受程度。本研究問卷是以google線上表單呈現,並於新型冠狀病毒流行期間,藉由Amazon Mechanical Turk平台邀請美國居民填答,共回收600份問卷,再刪除67份無效問卷後,有效問卷為533份。問卷內容包含個人基本資料、對新型冠狀病毒的焦慮感、自我效能、感知易用性、感知有用性、使用YouTube的態度、行為意圖和實際使用狀況。各變項的信效度是以驗證性因素分析進行檢測,本研究使用AMOS 20統計分析軟體測量各項目的因子負荷,同時用SPSS 23.0分析各項目的t值,判斷各項目是否正確區分,並以結構方程模型測試來了解每項建構,而其他指標則是以卡方檢定(Chi-square)進行檢驗,Chi-平方檢驗值設為p<.05,避免 power值問題。研究結果發現自我效能、感知易用性和感知有用性等三變項之間互相具有中介效果,感知易用性和感知有用性皆對使用YouTube的態度具有中介效果,而使用YouTube的態度則對行為意圖有中介效果; 除此之外,對新型冠狀病毒的焦慮感在使用YouTube的態度和行為意圖上具有調節的效果。另外,感知易用性被發現對感知有用性有所影響性,認為觀看YouTube進行健身運動很便利的使用者,通常也認為使用YouTube來進行健身運動是可行的作法,而擁有較高的感知易用性和感知有用性的使用者,對利用YouTube進行健身運動也持有較為正向的使用態度,因此可藉由對使用YouTube進行健身運動的態度來評估使用者的行為表現。除了YouTube的態度外,新型冠狀病毒的焦慮感對行為意圖也具有調節效果,而使用YouTube的態度又會對行為意圖產生影響,三者具有緊密的關聯性。根據本研究的發現,建議業者和YouTuber應該掌握YouTube使用者的使用行為和動機相關資訊,藉此鼓勵YouTube使用者在新型冠狀病毒流行期間,在家使用YouTube進行健身運動,才能夠抓住市場商機。本研究不僅以實證再次檢驗研究模型的適配情況,更提供健身運動產業於新型冠狀病毒流行期間之實務建議。
YouTube is one of the largest and most popular video communities generated by users and used by users for discovery of content. During the time of COVID-19, a solution for being active at home is the use of fitness videos. To better understand the credibility of the content shared we depend on the self-efficacy theory to hypothesize YouTube self-efficacy, in particular a user’s belief and capability of using YouTube. On the other hand, if using technology is considered to be difficult, it may be avoided even when it gives benefit. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the use of technology acceptance model (TAM) to test individual users’ experiences of fitness exercise through YouTube by joining features and factors to investigate the acceptance of individuals in the United States. A total of 533 valid questionnaires were retrieved from 600 questionnaires distributed online using Google Form via the Amazon Mechanical Turk Platform to US individuals. The variables in this study consist of participant background including gender, age, salary, educational level, and the duration of fitness exercise through YouTube. The implementation of the Confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the validity and reliability of the variables. The AMOS 20 statistical analysis software was used to measure each item’s factor loading, while the t value of each item and SPSS 23.0 were used to analyze the items. Structural equation modeling was conducted to understand each construct of the study. In addition, other indicators were used to avoid power problems by conducting a Chi-square test, with a value of p< 0.05. The results shown in the study found that self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness had a mediating effect on each other, with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness both having a mediating effect on attitude toward YouTube use to perform exercise, and attitude toward YouTube use had a mediating effect on behavioral intention. Therefore, users' behaviors can be evaluated by their attitudes toward using YouTube for fitness. In addition to the attitude toward YouTube, anxiety about the coronavirus also had a moderating effect on attitude toward using YouTube to perform exercise, and in turn had an effect on behavioral intention, and the three were closely related. According to the findings in this study, it is suggested that the industry and YouTubers should grasp information about YouTube users' usage behavior and motivation so as to encourage YouTube users to use YouTube to exercise at home during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to capture the market opportunity. This study not only empirically re-examines the fit of the research model, but also provides practical suggestions for the fitness industry during the novel coronavirus pandemic.



自我效能, 科技接受模式, 新冠肺炎焦慮, 線上, Self-Efficacy, TAM, COVID-19 Anxiety, Online





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