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近年來在教育改革浪潮下,學校教師成為革新的焦點,教師的專業成長 是教育品質提升的關鍵角色,高級中學亦透過教師專業學習社群之動能,在課程改革上有所創新,高級中學特色課程的發展可經由教師專業學習社群之運作,達到團隊合作及協同教學之效,回應以學習者為中心的教學。故本研究以一所公立高中公民與社會科為研究對象,運用訪談、觀察及文件分析等方式,深入描繪教師專業學習社群之運作,並探究教師如何透過社群運作設計及實施特色課程,同時針對過程中面臨的困境與挑戰加以探討,進而勾勒出研究個案的真實。 根據個案的研究分析,歸納出本研究的結論如下: 壹、個案學校公民與社會科教師專業學習社群的運作方式主要為政策推動與教師自覺 貳、個案學校公民與社會科教師專業學習社群經歷「萌芽階段」、「適應階段」、「運作階段」三歷程 參、教師專業學習社群運作與特色課程發展需要校內外資源支持 肆、個案學校公民與社會科教師專業學習社群的運作對特色課程發展產生正面影響 伍、學習者中心、創新教學、協同教學、延續性為個案學校公民與社會科特色課程發展的特性 陸、個案學校公民與社會科教師專業學習社群在運作時面臨結構因素、技術因素及人員因素的困境 柒、持續專業成長及參與跨領域社群為個案學校公民與社會科教師專業學習社群面對困境的主要因應策略
Recently, school teachers become the innovation focus in the education reform. The key factor of promoting education quality is teacher professionl learning. Many high schools also use the power of teacher professionl learning communities to reform and innovate curriculums. Developing high school characteristic curriculums can pass through operating teacher professionl learning communities. It not only reaches efficient teamwork , but also responses to learner-centered teaching. This study applies case study as a research approach to investigate the process of how teacher professionl learning community works and how characteristic curriculum be programmed and executed. Data collection in a public high school citizenship education included interviews, observation and document analysis. The major research results and conclusions are as follows: 1. The main factors of supporting teacher professional learning communities establishing are policies and teachers' conscious. 2.This teacher professional learning community experienced germination, adaptation and operation stages. 3. Teacher professional learning community operetion and characteristic curriculum development need internal and external resources. 4.Teacher professional learning communities generate positive influences to characteristic curriculums. 5. Student-centered learning, innovative teaching, team teaching and continuity are the curriculum features of this case. 6.The challenges of developing teacher professional learning communities and characteristic curriculums include structure, technical, and personal aspects. 7. Continuing professional learning and participating other communities are the strategies to face with the challenges.



教師專業學習社群, 特色課程, 十二年國教, teacher professional learning communities, characteristic curriculum, twelve-year basic education





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